b'SCRIPTUREHow To Become Rich and FamousBy Marjorie B. Lewis, Ph.D., D. Min. limitation are dwarfed when we learn how to live asWhilemanyofusendourendeavorswiththe responsible human beings.We are taught how toLord, I wonder how many of us start our endeavors abide lack, insufficiency, NOT- withtheLord.Howmanyof G reetings. Usually, I would say Greetings Denver;enough, limitation, etc toustakethetimetoconsider however, I understand that the column is avail- Itismostuncomfortablethe Lord when we imagine our able nationwide and so I want to be as inclusive asmovebeyondaperspectiveofnext steps?How many of us possible.I was wondering if you researched whymanaginglack,eventhoughconsider the will of God when anyone would have the audacity (including me) toitrunscountertoexercisingwe actually begin a project?expect to live until 120 years of age.Rememberinfinity and eternity.Just thisMypointis,ifwewereto the scripture verse that validates such audacity isweek,IviewedaclipfromaconsidertheLordinthevery found in the Book of Genesis Chapter 6, particu- famous superstar billionairecrafting of what we intend to do larly Verse 3.whosaidthatthekeyisregarding our role in the provi-IamsoencouragedthatIdonothavetofeelnot to seek fame or fortune.Isionofourneeds,Iwonder pressured in order to manifest my purpose in life.thought to myself,yeaheasyhowmuchquickerwewould There is still time.While I have less time, in thisfor you to sayYou are a bil- attain our hearts desires.To human experience, than yesterday, last week, lastlionaire.bring home the point, consider year, there is still time to be thorough and to workTheHolySpiritquick- the following scriptures.without the crippling anxiety of constraints.YES,lyadjustedmyattitudebyThestepsofagoodperson Thereisstilltimetoworkwithinthecontextofreminding me that this super- are ordered by the LORD: and infinity and eternity. star was not always a super- God delights in his/her way.InfinityandEternity,whatapleasantthought.star.PerhapshebecameaThoughhe/shefall,he/she When we begin to see ourselves in this context, allsuperstar because of his atti- shall not be utterly cast down: pressure goes away.So why dont we engage infin- tude of authenticity to purposeMarjorie B. Lewis for the LORD upholds him/her ity and eternity more often.Perhaps the problem isinstead of acquisition of pros- with Gods hand. I have been that we are taught to think in terms of limitation.perity. young,andnowamold;yet Our capacity to exercise perspectives that transcendAs a result of the intervention ofthe perspectivehave I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed of the Holy Spirit, I am able to make sense of hisbegging bread.God is ever merciful and lends; and statement based on the following scripture. his/her seed is blessed.(Psalm 37:23-26)And why take ye thought for raiment? ConsiderWhen peoples lives please the LORD, even their the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not,enemies are at peace with them.When we considerneither do they spin:29 And yet I say unto you,Bettertohavelittle,withgodliness,thantobe That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayedrich and dishonest.We can make our plans, but like one of these.30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the LORD determines our steps.(Proverbs 16:7-9)these scripturalthe grass of the field, which today is, and tomor- When we consider these scriptural contexts, we row is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?31 Therefore take norealize that the earlier we bring God into our plans, contexts, we realizethought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shallthemorequicklywemanifestthedesiresofour we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?32hearts.Consider the following scripture.that the earlier we(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) forTrust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land your heavenly Father know that ye have need of alland enjoy safe pasture Take delight in the LORD, these things.33 But seek ye first the kingdom of and he/she will give you the desires of your heart. bring God into ourGod,andhisrighteousness;andallthesethingsCommit your way to the LORD; trust in God and shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:28-33). Godwilldothis:Godwillmakeyourrighteous plans, the more quicklyThis scriptural context places our best efforts asreward shine like the dawn, your vindication like futile when it comes to the natural capacity of Godthe noonday sun.Be still before the LORD and wait to provide for our every need which is beyond what- patiently for God; do not fret when people succeed we manifest theever we could do.Even so, this scriptural context isintheirways,whentheycarryouttheirwicked not the easiest to accept, never mind abide. schemes.(Psalms37:3-6)desires of our hearts.Youmightchallengebyasking,HowdoyouInouropinion,thesuperstarthatsaidnotto know?!!!I know because of the all of the anxietyseek fame was supporting these and other relevant and fear that I witness in others and even in myselfscriptures.Isnt it amazing how God dominates in Consider the followingwhenconsideringhowtoprovideforourselves.all aspects of our lives?We will explore these four OftenweexcludeGODformtheequationofourscriptural contexts in the next few columns.In the scripture. provision to the extent that we see such a stance asmeantime, isnt it GREAT to know that we can find immature, and/or irresponsible. GOD (everlasting and eternal) everywhere?)TomoveinthecapacityofbelievingthattheFeel free to contact meLord will provide is often employed when we have reached the end of our human-made rope.I won-der how much more efficient we would have been atMarjorie B Lewis can be contacted at: receiving provision, if we had started our endeavors with the belief that the Lord will provide. mblewisenterprises@gmail.comWANTED:ASSISTANT MINISTER OF MUSICAssistant to current Minister of Music. Looking for a Dedicated Christian Keyboardist (Keyboard, Organ & Piano). Comfortable with Traditional, Contemporary, Gospel Hymns.Call: 303-322-5983 (Church Office M-F, 9AM-2PM) SHILOH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 3301 LEYDEN ST, DENVER 802078 SEPTEMBER 2019 BOCNEWS.com'