8 BOCNEWS.com JUNE 2017 Overcoming Wife's Death at 28 Vermell Hill’s faith has been tested over and over again. However, he remains strong in the eyes of God despite his long journey overcoming the death of his young wife. Hill’s wife was only 28 years old when she died of blood clot complica- tions back in March 2012. Over the years, he said it has been a struggle overcoming the loss. “A lot of emotional well-being was impacted. While the church is valu- able. I didn’t just do church counsel- ing. I sought a clinical therapist,” he said after a Father and Son Breakfast event that took place last month at Now Faith Church. “It tested my faith and I questioned things a lot. We did what we were sup- posed to do, followed the Word, lived our lives according to the Word. So it shook my faith.” Hill now knows God is always in con- trol through the good, bad and indif- ferent times in our lives. “I have reconnected myself with God. There was definitely some disconnec- tion. But now every day is a day into itself. I am doing well, still going to therapy. But it’s less grief counseling and more discovery.” Hill has moved forward in his life and continues to rely on God’s strength. He currently works in real estate and also does some IT consulting. In memory of his deceased wife, Hill has set up a memorial scholarship in her name. The Charlena Clardy Hill Memorial Scholarship at Colorado State University to help benefit young women of color. He recently awarded the scholar- ship’s first recipient $2,500. Hill stated the scholarship is funded again through next year but is hop- ing to raise $50,000 so it can go into perpetuity. To help donate to the scholarship in memory of Charlena Clardy Hill or for more information contact Vermell Hill at 970-215-9865 or email vermell@ vermellhill.com Vermell Hill Continued from cover ... INSPIRATION