Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 2416 FEBRUARY 2017 We're Not Taught to Deal with Change Nothing is as permanent as change. Change is natural to existence and common to all creation. Everything in life is in a constant state of change, and nothing can stop it. Everything in our life is evidence that we are alive and proof that we will die one day. Everything has its own season, and nothing on this earth lasts forever. We all experience four types of change in life: 1) Change that happens around us, 2) change that happens to us 3) change that happens within us, and 4) change that we make hap- pen. One of the saddest things in life is that only a small percentage of the world's population responds to change effectively. Many people are victims of change. No matter who you are – regardless of your country, race, ethnicity, language, and disposition – time and change will affect you. Our lives are in a constant state of transition. Life is always moving for- ward; nothing ever remains the same. With all the new political changes that have started, we must remind our- selves that we don't know from day to day what is going to happen locally, nationally or internationally BUT we do know who holds tomorrow in their hands and that's our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God brought our ances- tors through slavery, our parents through the riots, folks marching for justice, and racism of the 60's. God kept us! God is the only constant sal- vation, our hope and faith we have. (1 Samuel 15:29) states “He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a man, that he should change his mind.” Gradual change like learning a new job is pretty easy to adjust to. But sudden change can affect people for the rest of their life. Change can either stretch us to grow a little or cause us to experience a mental breakdown, suicide or even death. Change is con- tinual, everything changes; our con- stant knowledge in life, our interests will change, our values & priorities will change, certainly our body, our family relationships, our marriage will change. What you enjoyed when you first met will change as we grow older we have to expect, prepare for, and get use to many changes. And as much as we adore our children as babies they will changed to children, teenag- ers, young adults and grown adults. Friends will change. Change is inevi- table. Change is a principle of life and creation. Looking at the life of Jesus, he came that we may have life. He had constant change, from being born in a manger to crucifixion, then He rose from the grave. Jesus ask; "My Heavenly Father.. if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done..” (Matt. 26:42) Jesus became flesh like us, to feel what we feel with pain. Becoming flesh HE had to go through some massive changes to fulfill the Word of God. From our birth until our death we too will endure good and bad changes. Change tests and reveals who we are. We must keep a positive mind set to the Change Agent. When change is wrong, deny and hurt people we must stand up for justice, and pray for those who do wrong. The 1960's are a reminder the government can be wrong about peoples rights. The gov- ernment had enforce denying African Americans of their basic rights to vote, today their vote is still surpressed in the South out of fear, after fighting for the right to vote. Our attitude for interacting with change will make the adjust move toward our purpose. Don't put your faith in any man, any job, any man made idea. Keep your eyes fixed on God before the storm during the storm and after this storm. Our Lord God reminds us; "If my peo- ple, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14) With the new Commander in Chief (DT) we all knew change was coming. A large part of his success came from the support of Evangical Christians, who were tired of the free world of sin. God has been weeping of sadness how the United States has push away from...” thus saith the Lord” same gender bathrooms is now okay, a gay lifestyle with adoption of children okay, more abor- tion rights., for the love of money people have sold out to idol gods etc.. We are living in hell right here on earth. Sometimes new change will bring about negative conse- quences. The children of Israel were brought out of bondage….they were slaves. Once they were brought out of bondage they soon forgot how bad life was and begin to complain ALL the time. Besides complaining they begin to sin more and more. We have become the new children of Israel. Caught up in this sinful world. We must trust God, There's a shift in the atmosphere…. he will remove negative change in due time. Not everyone who says they are a Christian really is. Pope Francis recently spoke out against our new Commander in Chief (DT) actions. I thank God for his strong words " You can't be a true Christian while rejecting refugees Donnie." "The contradiction of those who want to defend Christianity in the West, and on the other hand, are against refugees and other religions. The sickness or, you can say the sin, that Jesus condemns most is hypoc- risy, which is precisely what is hap- pening when someone claims to be a Christian but does not live according to the teaching of Christ. You cannot be a Christian without living like a Christian, You cannot be a Christian without practicing the Beatitudes. You cannot be a Christian without doing what Jesus teaches us in Matthew 25, It's hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away refugee or someone seeking help, someone who is hungry or thristy, toss out someone who is in need of my help, The Pope continued by saying that every coun- try in the world should "service to the poorest, the sick (and) those who have abandoned their homelands in serach of a better future for themselves and their families. In putting ourselves at the service of the neediest, we will experince that we already are united; it is God's mercy that unites us." the Pope sent this message to Cammander in Chief DT. In his closing remarks he said this to DT; America can either continue down the dark and dangerous path it is headed down, (DT) or it can retreat back to the somewhat respectable reputation once had. It's like a bad game show. " states Pope Frances." God won't allow any- thing to come into our life that we cannot rise above with His help. These tides of change may seem overwhelming right now but let us remember what Paul said; "We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28) Change is either good or bad. Right now our nation is in the mist of real bad change. We must respond to change in a Christian manner. Let us stand up for what is right. Like Pope Frances said, you can't treat people like this and call yourself a Christian. Being a Christian is more than say- ing your a got to live like a Christian and treat people with respect they way Jesus would want us to do. I stand firmly with what Pope Francis said to our new Commander & Chief (DT). Rev. Dr. PM Wynn & her husband Pastor Lee Grove Jr., are the Founders of Heavenly Sent Ministries. They both serve as Assoicate Pastors at The Potter House of Denver. She can be reached by Pastor PM Wynn & husband, Pastor Lee W. Grove, Jr., are the Founders of Heavenly Sent Ministries. They both serve as Assoicate Pastors at The Potter House of Denver. She can be reached by By PM Wynn Grove Change tests and reveals who we are. IMMIGRATION – COUNTER POINT 4:8–9). – (afflicted, perplexed, persecuted ... who’ll buy that?) – “HARD SELL!” II Cor. 11:23-29; “I have worked much harder, been in Prison more frequently, been Flogged more severely, and been exposed to Death Again and Again. Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. … Beaten with rods, … Stoned, Shipwrecked, … I have known Hunger and Thirst and have often gone without Food; I have been Cold and Naked. …” (do you want to join in these experiences?) “HARD SELL!” The apostle Paul further states: “…and Trophimus I have LEFT IN MILETUS SICK.” II Timothy 4:20b (Why didn’t God/Paul heal him?) Paul seems to be making a strong case for “ADVERSITY Theology,” or the “Sickness and Poverty” Gospel. I was told by a colleague of mine years ago, he didn’t think that believers should die from sick- ness. However, Scripture seems to think differ- ently: “Now Elisha was fallen Sick of his Sickness whereof he Died.” II Kings 13:14 Christians still suffer as we wait for Jesus to return, but none of our suffering is random or without purpose. TRUE - “GOSPEL of Christ” II Corinthians 1:4 – God “comforts us in all our Affliction, so that we may be able to Comfort those who are in any Affliction, with the Comfort with which we ourselves are Comforted by God.” II Corinthians 4:17–18, “This light momentary Affliction is Preparing for us an ETERNAL weight of GLORY beyond all comparison, as we look NOT to the things that are SEEN but to the things that are UNSEEN. For the things that are SEEN are Transient, but the things that are UNSEEN are ETERNAL.” For the Believer, it’s but Superficial SORROW for ETERNAL GLADNESS! For the Nonbeliever, however, it’s Superficial/Central Gladness and ETERNAL SORROW! It pains me even now to recall in 2000, I was talking to the Lord. I’d been preaching/teaching/ endeavoring to live-out the “TRUE GOSPEL” for decades. Watching a contemporary situation of that day: I asked, “WHY LORD _____ ____?” I’m certain His response was: “the masses of people are not concerned about ‘TRUTH,’ - just make me FEEL GOOD.” To add Scriptural Support to His council He gave me the following Scriptures: Isaiah 30:9-10; "That this is a rebellious people, Lying children, Children who will not hear the law of the Lord; Who say to the seers, “Do not see,” And to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us RIGHT THINGS; Speak to us SMOOTH THINGS, prophesy DECEITS.” - (this was the OT Church) It appears the prophets got the message from the people J, for in Jeremiah 5:31; “The Prophets Prophesy FALSELY, And the priests rule by their own power; and My people LOVE to have it so. But what will you do in the end?” - (this was the OT Church) Though, the aforementioned Scriptures are Old Testament declarations; yet I am convinced the LORD is saying it was not unique to their day, we have some of the same elements in the church- world today. To Be Continued Next Month JEHOVAH- ZIDKENU – Jehovah our Righteousness GOSPEL ... from page 2