b'bocnews.com COMPLIMENTARYJUNE 2022B C N COLORADOVOLUME 33, ISSUE 10 ody ofhristews"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16SERVING COMMUNITIES IN: DENVER, AURORA, MONTBELLO, BOULDER, COLORADO SPRINGS & PUEBLOBlack Appraisers Needed toCombat BiasShould I have my White friend come over and open up the door for the appraiser? Donnell Williams: story by Hazel Trice Edney,PAGE 6WORD OF THE MONTHPastor Poly Sanders-PetersonWait on GodW AIT ON GOD, (GOD WILL ANSWER) God has the perfect time to Answer our hearts crys.ISAIAH 49:8Our Father God loves to Answer us out of His great Care, Love and Divine Promises to hear and Answer JEREMIAH 33:3, ISAIAH 65:24 Even when it\'s quite, God is working for our good. ROMANS 8:28Know in your heart God loves You and Cares! and He is Answering Your Prayers.1 JOHN 5:14-15With Love,Call: 303-744-2122 Prayer LineVisit: CovenantHouseOfLove.com'