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Bodyof Christ News NOVEMBER 2015 VOLUME 27 ISSUE 3 COLORADO BY THE WILL OF I AM THAT I AM Exodus 314COMPLIMENTARY BOCNEWS.COM SERVING COMMUNITIES IN DENVER AURORA MONTBELLO BOULDER COLORADO SPRINGS PUEBLO DADDY BRUCE thanksgiving A TRADITION WORTHfighting for p a g e s e v e n t e e n MINISTER DARA Many people will have to endure months of cold bitter and frigid temperatures as we approach the winter season. The cause is not as important as the effect. There will be people in need who could use our blessings. Spread love plant hope and help if you can someone who struggling through life for whatever reason. story page sixteen Season Thanks Givingof Rev. Dr. Holland named Director of Diversity for Converge p.5 2 BOCNEWS.comNOVEMBER 2015 Funerals Receptions Cremations Elvin R. Caldwell Jr. President Ruby Kirk-Gray Founder Serving the Denver community for over 65 years. 2101 Marion Street Denver Colorado 80205 303-861-4644 Happy Thanksgiving 3NOVEMBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS THE SHAKEUP CALL GOD FOR HIS GOOD PLEASURE CREATED THE WORLD and provided everything necessary to benefit mankind. In Genesis 126-28 KJV it says And God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image in the image of God created he them. And God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and mul- tiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over everything that moveth upon the earth. These instructions that God gave to man then are still in effect today. We are responsible for what God has provided for us including his word. When we look at the word dominion it refers to authority control com- mand etc... In ST. John 1415 KJV Jesus says If ye love me keep my commandments. As we the people of God continue to see this world literally spiral out of control do we see ourselves having any responsibility in this mat- ter Is there anything that can wake us up to the fact that we are again for a long period of time heading down a path that God is not pleased with. Is it that we cant recognize the forest for the tree When we have appointments scheduled for the next day we will set our alarm clocks to insure that we have enough time to make the appointments which have been setup. If we are on the road staying in a hotel or motel we will sometimes request a wakeup call. Have we not heard the continuous wakeup calls from Almighty God I prefer to call it a shakeup call because of the many instances in the Bible where God had to act concerning man. Many of us are not in a bed somewhere asleep but walking around with our eyes fully open not realizing that we are asleep to the ways of the world. Asleep to the many things that are happening in this society and not wanting to make waves cause any friction or have any influence in the things that people are saying or doing contrary to Gods word. It should be no surprise to Christians because we should have some understanding of Gods word and also realize the times we are in. II Tim- othy 313-14 KJV says But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them In ST. Matthew 1236-37 KJV Jesus says But I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judg- ment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Dont think for one second that God will not hold responsible those of us especially in charge of getting out his word. Do we not understand the dec- larations written in Gods word Does God have to inspire others to have his word rewritten for us to grasp what he is saying to us I am most assured that he has no intentions of redoing his word to please unbelievers or new genera- tions as they enter this world and become more and more fashioned to worldly causes or things placed in this world by Satin himself. Gods word is constantly being dishonored while we as believers stand idly by. Does Jesus need to be placed on the cross again God forbid. Do we need another shakeup call In St. Matthew 31-2 KJV it reads In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea And saying Repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Here once again we are referencing another familiar scripture found in II Chronicles 714 KJV where God is speaking to Solomon saying If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. These scriptures are still valid for this present time in which we live. Many of us may have an inclination to think that we all should come together at once to make this happen. If we look at the parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard in St. Matthew 201-16 KJV we will see that all the workers did not show up to work at the same time yet the pay was the same. Although this would be a nice gesture to God on our part we would all have to have sincere and obedient hearts at the same time. And most of us must know that God is Omniscient. The sad truth is that many people refuse to acknowledge their wickedness or their sinful ways. They continue committing sins against God mainly due to the watered down versions of truth being communicated throughout this society. Are you one of the guilty ones In ST. Luke 2233 KJV Jesus says Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away. God gives us an opportunity as stated in I John 21 KJV where it reads My Little children these things I write unto you that ye sin not. And if any man sin we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous In I John 18-10 KJV It says If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us. In II Timothy chapter 4 KJV Paul exhorts and warns Timothy along with our current day preachers. In verses 1-8 he says I charge thee therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom Preach the word be in- stant in season reprove rebuke exhort with all longsuf- fering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to them- selves teachers having itching ears And they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry. For I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course I have kept the faith Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing. In the boxing world many fights are scheduled for 12 rounds and if you get knocked down you cannot be saved by the bell. If you dont faint you may still have the chance to comeback with a win. With Jesus as our trainer and cut man do any of us know how many rounds that we have left before this fight is over In ST. Matthew 2436 KJV Jesus himself says But of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my Father only. Re- member the opening round was started long ago. Since we dont know the day or the hour it is in our best interest to keep plugging away until the final bell. Knowing that we are the people of God we may experience getting roughed up and knocked down while still having another opportunity to get up and fight again. In the words of Donnie McClurkin WE FALL DOWN BUT WE GET UP. In the book of Galatians 69 KJV Paul says And let us not get weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not. There is no other being in this instance that will have the final say about the outcome of your fight because God Almighty is the score keeper and the Judge. Our thoughts become our words our words become our actions our actions become our character our character becomes our destiny. Gandhi - Wil Wilson Wil Wilson 4 BOCNEWS.comNOVEMBER 2015 Bear ye one anothers burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 62 In the Denver Metro area there are a group of ten churches that have formed what could be called a coalition that will work together to com- bat HIVAIDS. The churches involved are as fol- lows Agape Christian Church Denver Park Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church New Hope Baptist Church Northeast Denver Islamic Center Masjid Taqwa Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church Shorter AME Community Church The House Worship Center The Peoples Presbyterian Church True Light Baptist Church and United Church of Montbello. These churches have decided to collabo- rate with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment CDPHE to provide testing for the HIV virus and education about the testing and about sexually transmitted diseases and Hepatitis C. The testing will be targeted particularly at the African American community but all who come for testing will be cared for. The goal is to test about 100 people per church between the next few weeks and next year. Those who come for testing will receive an HIV test that will involve a simple mouth swab with results available in 20 minutes. Those who do test positive will be referred to a medical facility for further confirmatory blood testing. There will also be personal one-on-one education about sexually transmitted diseases Hepatitis C and about risk factors for the diseases in terms of risky behaviors and exposures. Prevention and early detection are priorities. In addition there will be encouragement even for those who test negative but are at risk due to certain risky behaviors to seek re-testing after a suitable period of time. This will all be covered dur- ing the education session. Such community based testing in nothing new but has been done across the nation. We do need to be aware of the fact that in the state of Colorado African Americans are disproportion- ately affected by HIVAIDS. In our state African Americans are only 3.8 percent of the population but 14.6 percent of people living with HIV disease. So action is needed and churches can play a significant role. In addition to the activi- ties noted we need to educate those who are already posi- tive that HIV is not the death sentence it once was as there are today effective treatments which allow one to live healthy. In addition everyone at risk needs to be tested even though they feel well. it is better to know ones status as it is pos- sible to be HIV positive for as long as a decade before falling ill. In America today HIV is a crisis in African American communities and African Americans face the most severe burden of HIVAIDS We no longer hear much about it in the mass media but it is a crisis nevertheless. One tragedy that I have had personal experience with is the treatment of HIV infection. After returning from three years living in the African country of Ethiopia in 1987 I became heavily involved in treating people infected with HIV. At that time there was little to offer these patients. HIV for most people was a death sentence and I saw far too many live only a year or so after being found HIV positive. This was despite diligent efforts to help. We only had one drug called AZT and I saw little evidence that it did much of anything to help. Since that time numer- ous drugs have been produced to help those infected. Now it is possible to live long and to live well with HIV infection. The tragedy is that people still refuse to get tested at times and it is quite possible to feel well initially even with the infection being present. There are those in treatment who will not take the medica- tion prescribed or will not take medication as directed. The end result is a lot of unneces- sary suffering and perhaps a premature death. It is just not worth it. The medication not only helps those infected but even makes it less likely that they will spread it to others. In our communities we need to be relentless in spreading the knowledge as appropriate about HIV and sexually transmit- ted diseases. Knowledge is power. We need to also spread the word that the stigma and isolation that people may experience can produce behavior that is harmful to the individual affected. Some try to hide their status and when their habits put them at risk they will not seek the help they need. There are those who due to poverty and lack of insurance will not go for help. However we need to inform people that there is always a place one can go to get help even if you are poor. Just imagine that in the epicenter of the HIV AIDS pandemic in Africa we are able to provide effective treatment for those who are impacted and we can certainly do this as well in our own country. I would like to make an appeal to those who are members of the churches listed above and to those in the community who are not. World AIDS Day will be coming soon on December 1. We are encouraging Pastors of our participating churches and others as ACommunityProjecttoCombatHIVAIDS Dr. Conner By Byron E. Conner M.D. HEALTH In our communities we need to be relentless in spreading the knowledge as appropriate about HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. Knowledge is power. 1. JOHN P. KEE - LEVEL NEXT 2. TROY SNEED - AWESOME GOD 3. WILLIAMS BROS. LEE WILLIAMS - MY BROTHERS KEEPER VOL.3 4. FLAME - FORWARD 5. WARDLAW BROTHERS - GODS BEEN THERE 6. DAVID WRIGHT - NEXT GENERATION 7. JASON CRABB - WHATEVER THE ROAD 8. DANETRA MOORE - LIGHT IN THE DARK 9. TASHA COBB - ONE PLACE LIVE 10 KIM BURRELL - A DIFFERENT PLACE Continued on Page 12 5NOVEMBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS New Converge Director of Diversity In July Dr. Robin Holland was appointed Director of Diversity a new position created by Converge President Scott Ridout. Dr Holland is the Senior Pastor of Living Hope Baptist in Aurora CO. He and his wife Nita have been married thirty- seven years and have two daughters two grandchildren and an adopted son from Zimbabwe Africa. Dr. Holland has been recognized for his life of ministry which includes multiple trips to Haiti South Africa Zimbabwe Grenada and the Ukraine. He retired from the U.S. Air Force after twenty-five years of service and among other influential leadership roles has served as Police Chaplain and Chief of Chaplains for Auroras Police Department. He was a first responder to the theater shootings in 2012. While serving as Co-Chairman of the Colorado Coalition of Faith the Coalition partnered with the mul- tiple response organizations in 2005 to support 10000 Katrina survivors needing shelter and care. Like many of us he has prayerfully watched events around the country that involve racial conflict and has written about a godly prayer-fueled loving response rather than reac- tion to the events of our day. Dr. Holland retold this recent story The news media released a photo of a crying young boy hugging a motorcycle police officer pictured below. The officer had asked the boy why he was crying and he said Because Im afraid of you. The office replied I see a sign that says free hugs. Can I have one And the officer hugged him. Saints Dr. Holland said that is where it starts. God has taught us that the color of our soul is no color and He is coming back for our souls. Racial reconciliation is likely to be a defining theme of President Ridouts legacy for Converge. In January at Transform 2015 the annual gathering for leaders and pastors Ridout closed the confer- ence with an apology to churches of different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. He acknowledged they have not always been treated fairly in the market place and community. To my brothers and sisters of color black brown or yellow Im sorry. We will figure this out. I have no idea what that means but it will be a long and hard road. We need each other. We cant have any walls between us. Lean on me Ill lean on you and we will all lean on Jesus Christ. Reproduced from Converge Point Spring 2015 by permission. In April Ridout released the job description for Director of Diversity a part time position to facilitate Body of Christ News Dr. Robin Holland Most pastors in our area are completely unaware of racial discrimination right in our own communities COMMUNITY 6 BOCNEWS.comNOVEMBER 2015 What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me Psalms 11612 Scholars tell us that most Psalms were writ- ten for use on specific occasions. They cover the full realm of human experience so that a person could find a Psalm to fit the mood of the moment or the need of the day. The 116th Psalm is one that was written for such a specific time. It may have been written to a king but surely by one devoted to the Lord who had experienced some illness. After having recovered from illness and having returned to the congregation this Psalm was to be his expression of thankfulness. Therefore the Psalmist recalls how he had called upon God and God had heard his prayer. He confesses that his life was in danger and though almost in his grave God had saved him. Then counting his blessings he comes to a question that is inevitable in an hour of thanks- giving. A question that each of us who has been seen through a circumstance or situation must ask a question that acknowledges the smallness of humanity and the magnitude of God. A ques- tion we ask of ourselves particularly during this time of the year. The Psalmist asks What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits toward me or simply How can I say thanks To express adequately our thanks to God we must Reflect On Our Deliverance. The pains of death surrounded me and the pangs of Sheol laid hold of me I found trouble and sorrow vs. 3. Exactly what this mans suffering has been is not clear. It looks as though it was a sickness of body one that had brought him very near to death. At any rate deliverance was granted to this man and now he is in the temple to fulfill his vow. Individually each of us can reflect on events circumstances and situations and recall how God has delivered us. Some of us started out like this man of whom the Psalmist speaks dealing with some bout of physical illness. Some of us found that the proverbial layoff came our way our name was called and we became unemployed. Some of us despite all our efforts have experienced financial hardship. Some of us throughout the year have experienced loneliness depression and overwhelming fear. Some have possibly felt that you were in a spiri- tual desert and that Gods presence was nowhere to be found. Some may have experienced family problems with your spouse and your children. However as we reflect on our circumstances many of us find that God has delivered. A new job has been found. We have bought the car and the house. We have been healed of our affliction. The heaviness of heart has been removed. Family relations are better. We somehow feel closer to God and even if things are not as we would like we can look to God with a new hope. Some of us can relate to the song Been in the Storm Too Long. Some of us have been deal- ing with some on going problems seemingly too long. There may be some that have not been fully delivered or recovered. However in spite of our circumstances we can take the positive attitude and thank you Lord that not every year is as bad as this. Thanksgiving Should Come Before Deliverance. Some of us believe that to thank God the thing we have asked for or are seeking must be physically in hand. In other words thanksgiving goes out to God for blessings received. That is only partially true. Thanksgiving is not only our response to the past but deals with the present in anticipa- tion of Gods future blessing. In Mark 1122-24 KJV Jesus says Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you That whosoever shall say unto this mountain Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore I say unto you what things soev- er ye desire when ye pray believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them. Jesus said you will have what you believe you receive. Now if I believe according to Gods prom- ises I have already received what I ask for then I can say Praise God thank you God glory to God. Jesus did not say you would receive when you feel good or when you felt something or had a vision or a confirmation or a revelation. He said When you pray simply believe that you have received it. When you pray believe that you receive it When Now That is when you pray Then he said You shall have thats future tense but I must believe that I have it now. Putting it simply you have to believe you have received it before you get it. We are called to walk by faith not by sight. I do not have to physically see my deliverance in hand. I walk by faith not by sight. In order to receive I must believe that I have received that for which I have prayed. Moreover if I have received it I can and must thank God in prayer. Thanksgiving should come before deliverance because it expresses our belief in the promises of God it expresses our belief in the providence of God and it expresses our belief in the power of God. How Can I Say Thanks It honors God for us to cheerfully to accept the blessings that he sends. It may be proper to refuse the gifts offered by our fellow men. Nevertheless the truest expression of our thanksgiving would be for us to accept the greatest gift that God has offered to humanity his Son Jesus Christ. God has offered us the gift of salvation of eternal life. If you recognize that God has been good to you. If you recognize that he has brought you through dangers toils and snares the best way you can say thanks is to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The unthankful person cannot pray for he or she has no real sense of the goodness of God. Philippians 46 urges us that in all the situations of life we need to pray with thankfulness Be careful for nothing but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Some of you may have read where 1 Thessalonians 518 says In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. And you may have become con- fused when comparing it to Ephesians 520 which says Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In everything that is in every situation give thanks does not mean we are to be thankful for everything. We are not to be thankful for sick- ness or loss of our job or for loss of our home or a loved one. However even in each of those situations we can be thankful. Thanksgiving recognizes the sovereignty of God. If you recognize that God loves you then nothing can come your way until it has first passed through the filter of his love. Moreover if it has passed through the filter of his love although we may not like or understand what we are going through we must trust that God somehow has a purpose. That being true we can then stand on Romans 828 In all things God works for the good of those who love him. In every thing trust God and thank him. What resolutions of yours does God have on his record What did you promise the Lord you would do if he would deliver you One way to say thanks to God is to fulfill whatever you during days that were more troublesome decided to do. Fulfill the physical spiritual or financial obligations you have made. How can we say thanks Receive the gift of Gods salvation in Jesus Christ. Acknowledge his sovereign rule over your life. Receive all that comes your way in spite of how it may look trust- ing that God loves you. Fulfill the things that the Spirit of God leads you to resolve in your life they are from God and meant to bring good unto you. William T. Golson How Can I Say Thanks By Pastor William T. Golson SERMON Thanksgiving Should Come Before Deliverance. Some of us believe that to thank God the thing we have asked for or are seeking must be physically in hand. In other words thanksgiving goes out to God for blessings received. That is only partially true. Thanksgiving is not only our response to the past but deals with the present in anticipation of Gods future blessing. 7NOVEMBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS A Cultural Divide With unrest around the country and uprising in communities its no wonder Dr. Carl Ellis Jr. had a lot to talk about at the Denver Seminary this month. Ellis is a lecturer author and profes- sor of Practical Theology at Redeemer Seminary in Dallas Texas. But he came to Denver to speak about the racism going on in America. As he put it The issue is margin- alization. What we are seeing today is more of a cultural divide than a racial one. I am not saying racism does not exist. It is alive and well. Ellis pointed out the recent trag- edy that happened in Baltimore Md several months ago. Freddie Gray a black man was arrested and thrown in the back of a police wagon. His mistreatment by six police officers led to a spinal cord injury and his death. The National Guard was called into the city of Baltimore as people took to the streets in outrage over the death of another black man at the hands of police. How can you say it was a racist act when three of the perpetrators police officers were black Ellis said. He further explained its about an achiever culture verses a non-achiever culture or cultural of functionality verses a culture of dysfunctionality. The only time when an incident gets headlines in the papers is when its white achievers against black non- achievers. But not when its black on black or white on white Ellis added. The death of a black person at the hands of a white cop is tragic. But the death of a black person at the hands of another black person is also tragic. Black lives matter- all lives matter. Ellis lives in Chattanooga Tenn. but commutes back and forth to Dallas. He has written several books on African American culture and theology. Body of Christ News Carl F. Ellis Jr left spoke at Denver Seminary where Pastor Felix Gilbert is Director of Urban Initiatives and Assistant Professor of Pastoral Leadership and Ministry Holy Ghost Getaways Promoting Unity Over 24 pastors leaders and on- fire believers representing over 12 different churches in the greater Denver Metro area and two from out of state experienced a unique and awesome display of true unity and fellowship at the 2015 Fall Holy Ghost Getaway held September 3-5 at Glen Eyrie Conference Center in Colorado Springs. Participants not only enjoyed the five-fold ministry in action but expe- rienced the unusually close bond of family unity that was formed between themselves and believers they had never before met. Ministers who had never before worked together have since been invited as guest speakers and participants in each others regular meetings and special events. Holy Ghost Getaways whose mis- sion is to promote unity and spiritual maturity among true believers are held each spring and fall hosted by His Voice Ministries a para-church ministry founded by Pastor Roxanne Ryan. Holy Ghost Getaways run Thursday afternoon to Saturday afternoon to allow the women to spend 3 days away and be able to return to share their refreshing with their home churches on Sunday. After days of soaking in Gods Word through anointed guest speakers seeking revelation and direction from the Holy Spirit and praising praying and fellowshipping with women of like spirit they come home both stirred and refreshed excited to share the testimony of all the Lord did during the Getaway. With a bevy of anointed speakers the entire five-fold-ministry is repre- sented and manifested in many ways from recommitment to answered prayers to healings to confirma- tions to breakthroughs and revela- tion. 2015 Fall Holy Ghost Getaway speakers included Pastor Roxanne Ryan Bishop Donnann Taylor Dr. Gail Bailey and Pastor Rita Franco. CDs of the messages are available for those who werent able to attend or who attended and want to re-capture the powerful anointing. For those who missed this excit- ing event there is great news. The 2016 Spring Holy Ghost Getaway will be held September 3rd - 5th and is now open for registrations. It will again be held at the beautiful Glen Eyrie Conference Center in Colorado Springs. Cost for the four services two nights lodging and five meal package is only 270.00 per person double occupancy. Speakers scheduled for the 2016 Spring Holy Ghost Getaway in September and their home church include Pastor Rita Franco Iglesia de Cristo Elim Dr. Gail Bailey Pastor Deliverance Tabernacle Pastor Polly Sanders-Peterson Covenant House of Love Pastor Roxanne Ryan Word of Life Christian Center and Psalmist Dr. Sharon Wiley My Fathers House. Space is limited so early registration is advised. Non-refundable deposits must be received by November 16 2015 to guarantee space. Monthly pre-payment plans are available. Late registrations will be filled based on available space. FridaySaturday packages are also available for those whose work schedule prevents them from attending the entire Getaway. For additional information or to reg- ister calltext 720-353-2555 or email and reference Holy Ghost Getaway. Our mission is to bring the five- fold ministry together with an ever- widening variety of on-fire leaders and believers from various churches to promote unity and provide prayer support for all Gods servants as we grow stronger and more Christlike in our own lives says Pastor Roxanne founder of His Voice Ministries. By Pastor Roxanne Ryan A unique and awesome display of true unity. COMMUNITY CURRENT EVENTS 8 BOCNEWS.comNOVEMBER 2015 Supporting each other for a stronger tomorrow. Take control NOW and Pre-Plan Today. Preplanning allows YOU to determine how your final arrangements will be carried out without putting the burden on your family. 303 872-7422 6601 East Colfax Avenue Denver Colorado 80220 Stylish Processions Reception FacilityOn-Site Chapel PipkinBraswell 9NOVEMBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS 10 BOCNEWS.comNOVEMBER 2015 11NOVEMBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS 12 BOCNEWS.comNOVEMBER 2015 they are willing to preach a message on HIVAIDS and how the church can help with the message to be delivered on Sunday November 29th. Please support such community efforts to help those in need and those at risk. We can save lives and reduce suffering for many. This is the compassionate thing to do and I believe God will bless our efforts. understanding and build bridges of reconciliation and cultural intelli- gence. His main goal is that a DNA will be built within Converge that will ensure we become a truly multi- ethnic movement that is united in spirit intent on one purpose. Dr. Holland will act as a voice to speak on behalf of Converge not only on diversity issues but on starting and strengthening churches worldwide. In recent months as Dr. Holland has spoken locally he finds most pastors in our area are completely unaware of racial discrimination right in our own communities today. He welcomes a dialogue to begin an intelligent conversation about cultural differ- ences and to celebrate uniqueness. He plans to meet with key leaders in every Converge district to develop a team with many ethnic groups for discussion prayer and training and to implement strategies to facilitate diversity Converge-wide. Please pray for Dr. Holland Nita their family for Living Hope Baptist for your church for racial reconciliation and for Gods great grace upon this new role and mission at such a time as this. A more complete biography on Dr. Holland can be found at www. livinghopebaptist.net966. To view the Spring 2015 Point issue go tohttpissuu.comconverge- worldwidedocspring_2015_point. For a complete job description of Director of Diversity email Barb HIV ... from page 4 DIVERSITY ... from pg 5 13NOVEMBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS Documenting The Million Man MarchThe following is a excerpt from brother jeffs 96-page full color book that documents the 20th Anniversary of the Million Man March held October 10 2015 in Washington D.C. Black people are not poor financially. We are conditioned to make poor financial decisions and not taught the effective use of financial power. Coming up from slavery paid labor is a new reality in our recent history. A current Nielsen Company study states Black consumer power is reaching 1.1 trillion dollars each year. Our collective economy is larger than every low gross domestic product nation in the world. Everyone understands our spending power except us. This lack of understanding is the rea- son most people use us as a stepping-stone on their way to economic success. Black consumers often decide if corporations generate profit or loss. Minister Louis Farrakhan said Blacks spend mil- lions 400-billion-dollars during Christmas400- billion Suppose we said this Christmas we are kick- ing Santa to the curb. This Christmas you are not going to lie to your children telling them that a Caucasian from the North Pole brought them this gift. You are going to tell them the truth. I brought you the gift me and your daddy but not this Christmas Farrakhan told the incredibly large crowd gathered before the U.S. Capitol stretch- ing to the Washington Monument. This Christmas we are going to sit around the table and we are going to bring Christ back to a day that was suppose to honor him. What does Justice or Else mean economically It can mean Black people will be more strategic with the economic lifeblood passing through our com- munity. Rather than spending most of our dollars out of the Black community what if we use our collective buying power to build institutions in our community What if local and national Black organizations that hold conferences seminars retreats etc. decided to meet at Black hotels or conference centers We dont own any may be an answer. That may be true. But if we redirected the dollars we are paying to others that excuse will no longer apply. We can use our deposits to hire Black own con- struction companies. In fact we should build hotels and conference centers in every region. How can we finance this vision We will use our Christmas money. CURRENT EVENTS Congratulations Winning Coiffures last month celebrated 36 years at the same location 6115 E. Colfax. Owner and Operator Reverend Rosalyn Redwine secured a bank loan 19 12 years ago to purchase the building last month her bank called and asked if she wanted to pay off her loan that was originally 130000.00 she was more than happy to do so. Giving God the Praise and Thanks she plans now to have the build- ing remodeled and offer advance training for Cosmetologist stu- dents. Congratulation from Body of Christ News Everyone understands our spending power except us. This lack of understanding is the reason most people use us as a stepping- stone on their way to economic success. 14 BOCNEWS.comNOVEMBER 2015 15NOVEMBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS We want your news Body of Christ News wants to hear about your calendar events announcements or conferences. Send your news to or fax us at 303.344.4608. MCCOWANS CELEBRATE 65 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Lee McCowan celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on March 21 with a reception with their family and friends. Mr. Gussie McCowan married the former Sarah Mae Williams on February 13 1944. Mr. McCowan has worked for the City of Athens and Brownsboro Independent School District. Mrs. McCowan is a loving devoted housewife and mother. Their children are Glory Thompson Deloris Robinson and Victor McCowan all of Tyler Paul McCowan and Jimmy McCowan both of Colorado Ronnie McCowan of Missouri and the late Theaudry and Isiah McCowan both of Dallas. They have 24 grandchildren 30 great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. 16 BOCNEWS.comNOVEMBER 2015 Season of Thanks And Giving O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good for mercy endureth forever Psalms 1071 Although thanks and giving should be all year long with the Thanksgiving holiday upon us what a better time to be thankful for our blessing as well as give to others in need who could use a helping hand. Whether we know them or not. How many of us really recognize that homelessness is a rapid growing prob- lem right here in Colorado Did you know There is a stagger- ing amount of people living on the streets all over the Denver metro area Women children families youth vet- erans those who are suffering from mental health and yes even the elder- ly. Many with nowhere to go left to wander and left to wonder. Where will they go What will they eat And what about the children Real stories real situations and real people just like you and I experiencing the struggle of homelessness right here in Colorado and the population is on the rise. Did you know... During the last couple years there were several thousand of new comers that migrated here to become Colorado residents For such reasons as the beautiful Rocky Mountains legalized marijuana immigration and education just to name a few seems to have mapped Colorado out to be the State of Opportunity. Whatever the reason it surely adds to the astounding record breaking number of people desperately seeking available and affordable housing. This leads to long waiting list less homes and apartments that are available and higher rent. Have we sadly and quietly just accepted and made it easier for one to become homeless in our state Or could our state be in a housing crises Well. Due to super long waiting list outrageous rental rates low paying wages and the number of homeless here certainly one could argue that there is a housing crises in Colorado for sure a housing problem. Whether there is a housing issue or not... The continued growing popula- tion of new comers definitely takes an extreme toll on the Colorado housing market. This could surely push more people into homelessness or other liv- ing arrangements. Who will this affect Well especially renters those such as families struggling to pay high rent the elderly who cannot make ends meet working youth and single moth- ers. Curious about the cause of this Well some will blame the economy ille- gal immigrants not enough jobs or houses. While others may argue such reasons as land lord greed cannabis business or the government. No matter the Cause unfortunately there is an Effect that can equal a bad situation or even homelessness for someone. The fact is that many people will have to endure By Minister Dara LOCAL EVENTs Mens Night Nov. 6th Friday 7pm to 10pm. Men to Mens fun night out. There will be a Pool tournament and Bowling contests with many prizes but most of all great Fellowship If you are interested please con- tact Pastor Greg McDonald at pgreg22yahoo. com We are also having all you can eat Mens breakfast that following morning the 7th at Heritage Christian Center 9am. for only 10 dollars. Night at the Museum Nov. 7th Saturday Night at the Museum A real life African American version of the movie Night at the Museum played out during Denver the Mile High Citys Denver Arts Week. Re enactors young and old will be on hand to meet greet and guide you through time through their collections and exhibits that promotes an understanding of the role African Americans played in the settlement and growth of the western United States. The Black American West Museum and Heritage Center is one of many small house museums taking part in this Annual city wide Denver event. The free part of Saturday does not start until 5pm. to 10pm. The BAWM will be open for their normal business day from 10am. to 2pm. all general admission prices apply Womens Health Event Nov. 14th Saturday Join us Celebrating Womens Health annual event at the Double Tree Hilton Hotel 3203 Quebec St. Denver CO. Mistress of Ceremony Mary Louise Lee. Theme Twisted Love Genesis 2519 Key Note Speaker Pastor Yvonne McCoy and much more vendorsHealth Screening and Flu Shot 8am. to 930am.Program 10am until 12 noon. Free open to all. For more information call Sherry at 720 435-4643 email celebratingwomen- Thanksgiving Praise Feast Nov. 22nd Redeeming Love Fellowship Church Host- Thanksgiving Praise Fest a Praise and Worship Experience Featuring Pastors Preachers PKs Praise and Worshipers. Nekyah Scott Bobby Wells Lady Kalina Fontenot Noel Emerson Pastor Reginald Finley Redeeming Love Fellowship Church and others. Sunday November 22 at 5pm. 1201 West 41st. Avenue Denver CO. for more infor- mation call 303 433- 9227 Thanksgiving Dinner Nov 21st RSVP by Nov 18 Colorado Black Health Collaborative presents What your Mama never told you about Heart Disease Forum Key note Speakers Dr. Kevin Billups and Dr. Joshua Zenon. go to Thanksgiving menu by Chef Lisa of Gourmet away. The Summit Event Center 411 Sable blvd. N Aurora 80011 Thanksgiving Dinner Nov 22th Happy Thanksgiving Redeeming Love Fellowship Church will be serving a FREE Thanksgiving Day Dinner. 1200pm. to 300pm. at Redeeming Love Fellowship Church 1201 West 41st. Avenue Denver CO. for more information call Minister Scott at 720 275-4822 or 303 433- 9227 Caroling Party Dec. 15th FREE event Jesus is the Reason Caroling Party. We carol with the people in the senior building car pool to a nursing home. Come and Sing with us And join us afterwards for a get-together with homemade soup cornbread and Christmas treats. Call or email for more info 720 353-2555 Continued on Page 19 TESTIMONY Minister Dara 17NOVEMBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS Daddy Bruce Randolph Charity In Jeopardy There is no time of the year that I love most than the holiday sea- son. I love the warm feelings I get inside thinking about spending time with my family wearing cozy sweat- ers hot cocoa and Netflix and last but not least gathering around the table and giving thanks for all that we have. Im sure I am not the only person who relishes in these holiday rituals -- in fact there are numerous corpo- rations and organizations that pride themselves on the gift of giving dur- ing the holidays to help make these rituals possible. However other major charitable efforts may unfortunately come to an end. This holiday season might be a little different for families in Denver who have been the beneficiaries of a Thanksgiving giveaway for more than 50 years. According toFox 31 News The huge Thanksgiving food giveaway started by Daddy Bruce Randolph is in jeopardy after 51 years of helping families in need. Randolph died in 1994 at the age of 94. The Feed-a-Family organization has taken amajorloss of 200000 from one of its sponsors that helps fund their program which costs a total of 275000. This sponsors removal of funds has resulted in the potential end of their 50 year run. This program is a huge support to the Denver community giving over 5000 families 40-45 pounds of food every Thanksgiving.This program is well- known to this community and has even participated in giving for other holidays throughout the year. Mr. Randolph is theoriginal creatorof this program and served his com- munity in life and continues to serve in his death it would be communal travesty to see thousands of families go without this Thanksgiving. I have and still do volunteer work in Denver particularly with Families Against Violent Acts because that is my home that is where my family is and there are communities in Denver that I know need the assistance. I admire individuals who donate over- seas and give to foundations that help across the globe. But I also give admiration to those who support and give back to their home the places and people that have supported you and your dreams in life. It is nice to give outward but you cant do much outwardly when your own backyard isnt kept up. I aspire to reach people on a global level and that is and probably will forever be a dream that I will chase but I will never lose sight of the need that is at home and the assistance that I can give at home. I understand there are different cir- cumstances for everyone and their communities but this is an idea that I wish all people would recognize. I have faith in the Feed-a-Family organization and I hope that this year isnt the end of an extraordinary program that has given hope and support to the community for such a long time. This holiday season and in the years to come I challenge you to give back to your communities in whatever way possible. The holiday season is a hard time for individu- als and families and what better way to show support than to pay it forward. You might not be able to donate 200000 but every little bit counts. We can all do something.I know a lot of us are for someone to donate something to our own indi- vidual funds but sometimes you have to give to receive or just give because you saw a need. Isnt that what the holidays are about any- ways Giving and being thankful So please give because programs like these are golden treasures that we have to keep up and in your giving be thankful that you even have the means to give anything at all. Chynna Fayne By Chynna Fayne It Takes A Village The saying it takes a village to raise a child is never so true. But more than that you also need the presence of God in their lives. Selva Jones knew that when raising her son as a single parent. She had divorced her husband and found strength in God her pastor and family members to help raise her son. And he turned out to be an out- standing young man. He was the starting running back for the Air Force Academys football team where he graduated in 2012. He is now serving his country as part of the National Air Force stationed in Florida. Someone said a woman cant raise a boy to become a man. But Jones turned that around and made sure of the kind of man her son turned out to be. She was there for him during those some- time difficult adolescent years attended every track and football game. But she also had help from her brothers and pastor back in Kansas City Mo. My sisters husband would mentor him in football. And my pastor talked to him a lot and mentor him. He got him involved in things around the church youth ministry cutting the grass on church grounds and shoveling snow. So my son really looked up to my pastor Jones explained. She also contributes her sons success to the fact that he attend a private all boys school where the young men had to dress in uniform of tacky pants and dress shirts with collars. Kansas City was really bad when it came to education. So you had to seek other avenues for your children. The state at one point even had their accreditation taken away because of low scores she said. So I feel blessed that my son was always willing to do what it took to make it easier for me. And hes still like that. When God has anointed and appointed you you set the foundation and God helps you build from that. Jones left Kansas City and moved to Denver in 2009. She originally came to take care of her mother Jacquelyn Burton. However she had been success- ful in using the talents God gave her by building her own founda- tion as owner of Selva Beauty Barber and Nail Spa located off 6th Avenue in Aurora. I enjoy doing exotic funny and sassy short hair styles. I like to create Jones said. While her son mother and fam- ily are important God remains number one in Jones life. She is a current member of Restoration Christian Fellowship Church. One thing I have learned from knowing God and obedience is that there are a plethora of bless- ings that come when you are obe- dient Jones expresses. Selva Beauty Barber Nail Spa is at 15630 E. 6th Ave. The hours are from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Tuesday through Saturday. Appointments can be made and walk-ins wel- comed. The hair salons number is 303479-4926. Body of Christ News COMMUNITY Selva Jones son Steve Jones Someone said a woman cant raise a boy to become a man. But Jones turned that around and made sure of the kind of man her son turned out to be. This holiday season and in the years to come I challenge you to give back to your communities in whatever way possible. TO DONATE PLEASE VIST ccPayment_fixedSvcEF.html CHARITY 18 BOCNEWS.comNOVEMBER 2015 19NOVEMBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS months of cold bitter and frigid tem- peratures as we approach the winter season. The cause not as important as the effect. The reality is that there will be people in need who could use our blessings. Spread love plant hope and help if you can someone who struggling through life for whatever reason. By now some of you may be pon- dering with theres nothing I can do or some may be wondering how can I help. Many of us tend to think that if we cannot give money or in a big way then we cannot make a difference with the little we have. The truth is that there is something we can all do to make a difference big or little. You see throughout The Bible Charity is a great virtue in Gods eyes. He request of us to give what we can through what he has blessed us with. He does not expect us to give what we cannot. Deuteronomy 1617 explains Every man shall give as he is able according to the blessing of the Lord thy God which he has given thee. Be a glimpse of hope a beacon of light and lend a helping hand to someone in need. Did you know Lending a hand to someone in need is the same as lending a hand to Jesus Jesus himself describes it to us in Matthew 25 35-40. For I was hungered and ye fed me I was thirsty and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in Naked and ye clothed me I was sick and ye visit me I was in prison and ye came unto me. Then shall the righ- teous answer him saying Lord when saw we thee an hungered and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink When saw we thee a stranger and took thee in or naked and clothed thee Or when saw we thee sick or in prison and came unto thee And the King shall answer and say unto them. Verily I say unto you. Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me. Please join Caring and Sharing Community Resource Center where we are Creating an inner-circle to embrace others BE A BLESSING Share a hot cup of coffee or tea Prepare a warm meal for a family Give a hat gloves socks or coat Lend a blanket or a pillow Pray daily for others Share resources Share your faith tell a story of hope or share words of encourage- ment - Donate items to Caring and Sharing clothes food school supplies etc. Need resources want to donate or learn more about Caring and Sharing Visit us 1400 Joliet St. in Aurora or call 720-365-6353 and be sure to tune in every Friday 4 to KLDC 1220 AM. Thank you generously for your support and may GOD BLESS YOU ALL. SEASON OF THANKS ... from page 16