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Bodyof Christ News OCTOBER 2015 VOLUME 27 ISSUE 2 COLORADO BY THE WILL OF I AM THAT I AM Exodus 314COMPLIMENTARY BOCNEWS.COM SERVING COMMUNITIES IN DENVER AURORA MONTBELLO BOULDER COLORADO SPRINGS PUEBLO After Ferguson What Would Jesus Have Us Do We have heard the news in our lifetimes about the killing of black men by law enforcement agents. It has happened long before many of us were born and it will continue on this earth until Jesus comes back to rule and reign. Being Ambassadors for Christ we know the truth. We live in this world by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. We do not live as the unsaved nor do we see the things that are happening around us as the unsaved. We have the truth and revelation of this world given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We know why things are as they are we have been given that spiritual knowledge from God. The Lord will take care of those that have done evil that has never been and will never be our job. STORY PAGE 7 Our Relationship with God REV. AARON D. SIMS We each have a personal and direct relationship with God. The problem is that most people have forgotten this. So our mission is to remember who we really are and why we were created. We are here to rediscover our relationship with God and to allow it to reveal itself in every aspect of our lives. The first thing to remember is that we have a choice Eve is a great example of this. We have a choice in everything that we think say and do. Read More on Page 17 Juanita Rogers 1963 2015 Mrs. Juanita Kay Rogers widow of the late Hon. Joseph Joe Bernard Rogers Colorados Second African American Lt Governor died surrounded by family after a battle with cancer. Mrs. Rogers 52 was a devoted wife mother partner advisor and confidante. She was the states second Black Second Lady and a retired accountant. p.20 Do not silence us by dismissing us as angry because we told you the truth about an issue we are passionate about ... Dont call us ghetto because our voice went up an octave. We have a right to feel to think and above all else we have a right to voice those emotions and feelings without being told to calm down. 2 BOCNEWS.comOCTOBER 2015 Visit our new website at Funerals Receptions Cremations 2101 Marion Street Denver Colorado 80205 303-861-4644 Quarterly Grief Seminar SaturdayOctober10at11a.m. Oleta Crain Enrichment Academy 2102 Marion Street Denver Colorado 3OCTOBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS Where Are We Headed As A Country WHEN WE LOOK AT OUR CURRENT SITUATION economically in this country I cant see any realistic movement for change that would cause things to get much better for the middle and lower status families. There has to be a paradigm shift for the country as a whole. We are currently seeing companies and corporations wit- ness their profits grow to unheard levels with many CEOs earning salaries at 300 times the average worker. Some of these executives have questionable and immoral records which should give pause to the compensations which they receive. Yet they continue to receive pay levels and benefit packages that are unworthy for some of them who have a negative effect to the companys bottom line. I continue to wonder when it will finally hit home that many of these actions are unsustainable for the long haul. With the emphasis on increased profits from year to year wages and salaries for the middle and lower status workers stagnate and in some cases terminate what do we expect to happen in the future I am not against making a profit but companies need to be fair and compassionate when it comes to their employees. At some point you would think that those with level heads would stop to evaluate the business ethics mission and em- ployees role. Stock holders and owners must understand that what the company has to offer to their customers will soon become a burden to the customers who in most cases are the middle and lower status workers. When customers can no longer afford the things which they deem necessary to main- tain the type of life style which in many cases is crucial to their well being they will look to other avenues. And you know that most other avenues will not be in the best interest of the person or society. No one seems to care about the domino effect that involves business the employee and the economy as a whole. Its every man for himself. We have already seen the housing bubble the bank and auto bailouts which seem to be on track to reappear in my estimation and yet I am not an economist. When companies want to grow financially they raise their prices offer other prod- ucts cut back on worker benefits lay off workers ship jobs overseas or make other cuts which they feel is effective for the bottom line. A long time has passed since workers in some of these organizations were viewed as the company. Many times when technology enters the work places workers are displaced or dismissed. What- ever happened to balance What has happened to the receptionist the one who is the first line for customer relations Where is the decency when it comes to workers lives and families Must this whole country be motivated by huge amounts of profit greed and egocentricity without considering the employees and customers What about a company that values the workers and understand that these people need their jobs to provide for their families Thank God for those companies who are considerate What about a CEO who understands that he or she does not have to take massive amounts of the profits from the business to live well I have always said that technology is good in its place but the human aspect has to be considered and should have priority. Some people see technology as the means to an end with the end justifying the means. I can see technology not being used responsibly as the means to the end. What do we do with the millions of people without health care jobs homes and hope Refugee camps perhaps How are we perceived as a country that has the most wealth and a significant amount of poverty at the same time Ac- cording to the OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development The US poverty rate is the highest in the developed world. Does the church of God have any responsibility in this matter When we look at people like Bill Gates Warren Buffett and others it seems as though there are some in business that are striving to place themselves in this cat- egory of billionaire. Whether or not this was the goal of Gates or Buffet there are those individuals who feel that this should be their goal. They have seen a bar set and are now striving to meet this goal by any means necessary. This whole process seems to have turned into a status thing or a competition to catapult oneself onto the Forbes list of richest people with the players who are currently at the top not knowing that they are even a part of the game. As we consider the recent Papal visit to the United States we can see a man who is humble and has patterned himself after Jesus Christ no matter how he may be viewed by other religions. What type of country would we have if all the people of this society considered the things and concerns of others What if the Pope could transform all his followers in this country where it is said to be somewhere between 70 to 75 million followers Just imagine what influence that percentage of people could have. Since the United States whose population is around 325 million people and we are supposed to be largely a Christian nation it is my position that those who claim Christianity must all be believers in Jesus the Christ. What if we stop looking at the labels we have for each other and focus on who people are and what they stand for In St. John 10 16 KJV Jesus says And other sheep I have which are not of this fold them also I must bring and they shall hear my voice and there shall be one fold and one shepherd. What if on this coming Sunday all pastors and churches in this country would not go into the church houses but set up out front and the church Ushers would give directions to those stopping by and to those waiting in lines and the pas- tor and the associate ministers would wash the feet of those passersbys and the deacons would do the drying and the deaconesses would place lotions and salves on the feet of each of them while the choirs would sing come to Jesus. This process would not be so much to clean the feet of those with unclean feet but to show the humbleness of the church. Jesus during his earthly ministry repeatedly displayed his humble- ness. In the book of Colossians 1 14-18 KJV The True Christ Described it reads In whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins Who is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of every creature For by him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in the earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him And he is before all things and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body the church who is the begin- ning the firstborn from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence. What if some of our religious leaders and those following would turn the church back over to Jesus and allow Gods word to suffice What if we allowed Michelle Obama or Mary Louise Hancock to be the first ladies for the country and the city of Denver St. Luke 20 25 KJV says And he said unto them Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesars and unto God the things which be Gods. In the book of Ephesians 5 22-24 KJV it says Wives submit yourselves unto your owns husbands as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Could it be that God would look down from heaven giving America a second look and say- ing I believe these people are becoming as one Im just saying. The Christian community for too long has been busy trying to tell people who we are instead of showing them who we are. St. Matthew 720 KJV says Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. In St. Matthew 16 13-16 KJV it reads When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he asked the disciples saying Whom do men say that I the son of man am And they said Some say that thou art John the Baptist some Elias and others Jeremias or one of the prophets. He saith unto them But whom say ye that I am And Simon Peter answered and said Thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God. Jesus didnt go around telling people who he was. As he went around doing the will of his Father he told the people by whom he was sent. You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today. Abraham Lincoln - Wil Wilson Wil Wilson Excel is currently offering space for various types of events in the community. Please contact our office at 303-355-0667 for details available dates and pricing. 4 BOCNEWS.comOCTOBER 2015 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in His wings... Malachi 42 It will come as no surprise that we can believe the concept that what we put in our mouths as food and drink can have a profound impact on our health. If we eat too much and make the wrong choices we can experience excessive weight gain producing obe- sity which is related to a host of medical problems. Diet has a role to play in numerous health conditions such as hypertension heart disease cancer stroke diabetes kidney disease liver disease and many others. Our diet can be linked to premature death and disability. It can be linked to the many chronic diseases that plague us in these days and times in which we live. I would like to focus your attention on one health problem in particular and its relationship to diet because it is something that we do not talk enough about. The problem I would like to talk about now is high blood pressure or hypertension. About 1 in 3 people in our country almost 70 mil- lion have elevated blood pressure in recent years defined as blood pressure greater than 14090. this is changing and in the future we will need to have a lower reading-but more about that later. More than 12 of people with hypertension do not have their blood pressure under control. 5.7 million people are not taking medication even though they know they have high blood pressure. About 14 million people have hypertension but do not know it. Frequently many believe that the only way they can control their blood pressure is by taking medica- tion. There is no doubt that medication has a critical role to play. However lifestyle also is important in controlling our blood pressure. When we say lifestyle we are talking about the following weight control managing stress quitting smoking exercising avoid drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and avoid eating excessive amounts of salt. These life style measures all done together can lower blood pressure as much as taking some medication although medi- cation may still be needed. Many seem to overlook the fact that in order to control blood pressure and keep it under control some habits just have to change. One major concern is chang- ing diet. At times blood pres- sure may seem hard to control and a change in diet may make a critical difference in blood pressure control. So lets look more closely at diet. Consider a special diet called the DASH diet. The letters stand for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This is consid- ered a top diet to consume for those with hypertension. Since high blood pressure is associat- ed so closely with heart disease stroke and kidney disease this diet may indeed be lifesaving. It just might be the difference between having blood pressure control and having it out of control with the risk of having a devastating illness. The DASH diet encourages you to cut down on the salt sodium in your diet and to consume a variety of foods rich in nutrients that help to lower blood pressure such as potassium calcium and magnesium. The DASH diet includes lots of whole grains bread cereal brown rice and pasta fruits vegetables low fat dairy products some fish poultry and beans. One can eat red meat sweets and fats in small amounts. Focus on whole grains stay away from light or white bread and use whole grain bread and use 6-8 servings of whole grains daily. Eat 4 to 5 servings of vegetables daily and 4 to 5 servings of fruit. Use 2 to 3 servings of low fat or fat free dairy products. Eat 6 or fewer serv- ings of lean meat poultry or fish. Try to avoid fried meat products and trim away fat. Avoid use of things like lard solid shortening palm and coconut oil. Avoid trans fat the label may say hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated to describe the contained fats. Use 4-5 serv- ings of nuts seeds and beans daily. The DASH diet regimen advises limiting alcohol intake to 2 drinks or less daily for men and 1 or less for women. Limit salt use to about 1500 mg of sodium daily and this means you may have to spend time reading labels for sodium content as well as other things mentioned. It may be that you can have some weight loss with the DASH diet although strict- ly speaking it is not a diet just for weight loss. However cutting down on sweats and fats can make a difference. Remember besides a prudent diet blood pressure control will also include exercise such as walking 3 minutes daily. The DASH diet is something you should discuss with your medical provider. You may be asked to also speak with a dietitian to give you more explicit infor- mation as in this brief article we can only give an introduction to the DASH diet. It is important to note that this is not a fad diet. It is a diet to help stem the tide and suffering from heart disease stroke and kidney disease which plagues our nation and indeed the world. Just remember that blood pressure con- trol means more than just taking pills. Habits and personal choices also matter. As far as blood pressure is concerned it is also important to measure your blood pressure at home with the many machines that can be purchased in a pharmacy without a prescription. Also please see your doctor at agreed upon intervals of time. In addi- tion please do not assume because you feel well you do not have hypertension. You can have even severe hypertension with no symptoms. So treasure and protect your health. May God bless you and help you to live longer and better. A Lifesaving Diet Dr. Conner By Byron E. Conner M.D. HEALTH It is important to note that this is not a fad diet. It is a diet to help stem the tide and suffering from heart disease stroke and kidney disease which plagues our nation and indeed the world. 1. JOHN P. KEE - LEVEL NEXT 2. FLAME - FOWARD 3. GERALD TAMMIE HADDON - US 4. DANETRA MOORE - LIGHT IN THE DARK 5. TIFF JOY - TIFF JOY 6. JONATHAN MCREYNOLDS - LIFE MUSIC STAGE TWO 7. TASHA COBB - ONE PLACE LIVE 8. KIM BURRELL - A DIFFERENT PLACE 9. DARRELL LUSTER - WE NEED A REVIVAL 10 ANTHONY BROWN - EVERYDAY JESUS 5OCTOBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS Go Where He Tells You When God calls you go where he tells you. That is what Pastor Yvonne McCoy is experiencing as she transitions into a new phase in her life despite personal tragedy. The well-known 68 year-old pas- tor is leaving Denver and heading to Nashville Tenn. for another spiritual journey in her life. She said God prophetically spoke to her I wasnt for sure. But God told me just to go. So I had to be willing to follow him like Abraham. Its funny because I am in my senior years and God has me transitioning. He took me back to the story of Moses and Joshua. These men were in their 80s and lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land. The only thing holding Pastor McCoy up is making sure her 17-year old granddaughter recovers from a gun- shot wound that shattered her spine kidney and liver. It happened during a recent shooting incident in Montbello. God is still in control said Pastor McCoy and thankful her granddaugh- ter is still alive. I trust him with what- ever the outcome. Of course when it hits your own household its devas- tating. God is exceedingly and abun- dantly above all we think or imagine. Our God is a great God. Pastor McCoy is originally from Toledo Ohio. She came to Denver back in 1972 with her daughter. She had visited the Mile High city on sev- eral occasions to take care of aunts children. She then fell in love with our beautiful city and decided to stay. She worked at Excelsior Youth Center and got involved with Young Life Ministries. It was then her minis- try serving God began to flourish. During the 1980s she started a chil- drens choir called East Denver Young Life and later changed it to Voices of Faith. This included children singing doing drama interpretive dance a step team besides having a basketball team. Pastor McCoy also served on several pastorial teams at churches around the city from Pastor Mark Brewer with Colorado Community Church Pastor Madelyn Tombs at First Christian Assembly of God and under Pastor Felix Gilbert with Restoration Christian Fellowship Church. She even pastored her own church Voices of Faith Christian Center which was located off Evans and Holly streets. However Pastor McCoy never strayed from helping those in need. She devot- ed a lot of her ministry time starting Healing Hands a non-profit organiza- tion to help women. She states the pro- gram MARC is an acronym for those women mutilated abused raped or circumcised. She already works with those women in African nations and plans to start a chapter of the organi- zation in Nashville and other states. She has no regrets about her long time ministry in Denver but is looking forward to this new chapter in her life. Sometimes your voice is heard so much that people take that voice for granite. But now God is calling me to a place where I can share what he has poured into me and take that message to impact a new body of people. Yvonne McCoy Body of Christ News CHURCH NEWS During the 1980s she started a childrens choir called East Denver Young Life. 6 BOCNEWS.comOCTOBER 2015 So God created man in His own image in the image of God He created him male and female He created them. Genesis 127 Those in the LBGT community and in our soci- ety are of the opinion that those who are gay were created that way and there is no hope for change. Either they live frustrated lives experience insincere relationships with those of the opposite gender or they bear the risk of coming out of the closet expressing their true feelings to family and friends who for the most part either already know or are suspect and being condemned. This belief creates a major problem with other sins because if there is no hope for change for those who are gay then there is no hope for the long list of oth- ers the bible declares shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Galatians 519-21 declares Now the works of the flesh are evident which are adultery fornication uncleanness lewdness idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousies outbursts of wrath selfish ambitions dissensions heresies envy murders drunkenness revelries and the like of which I tell you beforehand just as I also told you in time past that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. This list in one way or another includes all of us. If those that are gay are stuck in sin if they have no choice if they have no way out then none of us does either. For the bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. In our text we find that in Gods creation He created humanity male and female. We are not creations of our own imaginations or abilities. Human beings are without a doubt the most intel- ligent creatures on this earth. However we are also the only ones to question the creation of God. There are those who believe God made a mistake in their creation. That when He created male and female He got the bodies right the physical parts right but He somehow mixed up the minds and emotions. Therefore some say they are a man in a womans body and some say they are a woman in a mans body. They say God made a mistake and there now needs to be a recall to get the right minds the right emotions the right desires and right feelings in the right bodies. Interestingly it seems that all Gods other cre- ations are working well except for this intelligent creature. This creature man and woman who have been created in the image and likeness of God have the audacity to declare that there has been a manufacturing mistake. Somehow the formula was tainted the process was flawed the product testing was inadequate the persons gen- der was not properly vetted and there needs to be a recall and adjustment. Although you may think I am overstating the case many see their lives exactly that way. In their minds there was a mix-up in their creation and they have no choice but to live contrary to their minds and emotions in conflict denial and betrayal to their physical body. Understanding this we ask the question Did God does God make mistakes in giving life Did God does God make mistakes in creation First let us understand Gods intent. WHAT IT MEANS TO BE CREATED IN THE IMAGE OF GOD vs. 26 27 a b. Humankind is unique among all Gods creations having both a mate- rial body and an immaterial soul spirit. Having the image or like- ness of God means in the simplest terms that we were made to resemble God. Adam did not resemble God in the sense of God having flesh and blood. Scripture says God is spirit John 424 and therefore exists with- out a body. However Adams body did mirror the life of God insofar as it was created in perfect health and was not subject to death. The image of God refers to the immaterial part of man. We are souled beings. Our soul sets us apart from the animal world and fits us for the dominion God intended us to have over the earth Genesis 128 and enables us to commune with our Maker. CAN A PERSON BE BORN WITH THE WRONG GENDER We live in a confused and fallen world and that confusion extends everywhere so that even the most basic questions like what gender am I become difficult for some people to answer. Some people claim they were born as the wrong gender or at least in the wrong body. A man may believe he is actually a female but his soul is stuck in a male body. Such claims receive sup- port from others who advocate a gender-neutral society. However those who believe so are actively rejecting Gods design in creation. God clearly cre- ated two and only two genders. Male and female He created them Genesis 127. Some people today state that they have felt like the opposite gender since they were children. If actually a child felt that way to what would he or she compare it From birth children have inclinations towards many things. How they feel is all they know what they are inclined towards is their normal. The job of parenting is to change fashion and in some cases correct their normal. Certain behaviors are reinforced or condemned by parental and societal influences and definitions. Children growing up in this confused world are bombarded with messages of confusion. Little boys are told they dont have to be boys little girls are told they might not really be girls. They are told whatever they feel they are is what they areboy girl or a mixture of the two. The world tells them it doesnt matter. The confusion and uncertainty are reinforced in many ways television internet in schools. A parent can instill that desire in a child or a child can observe benefits enjoyed by the other gender and desire them. It is becoming the major- ity opinion. Its little wonder that some grow up struggling with their sexual identity. Given enough conditioning children can be convinced that they identify more as the opposite gender. Too often children are labeled as cross-gendered because of natural differences in manner- isms and responses. Adults often back-paint or reflect in hindsight on their childhood and find justi- fication for why they feel the way they do. Although God created the earth perfectly it brought destruc- tion upon itself with the onset of human sin Romans 512. The Bible says of His creation that it was good. He God created male and female and He pronounced His creation very good Genesis 127 31. Gods plan was perfect but as with everything in human- itys sphere perfection was corrupted by sin. Sin brought anomalies its contamination knows no end in creation. We live in a fallen world. We are imperfect beings living in an imperfect world living imperfect lives working on imperfect jobs eating imperfect food forming imperfect relationships all our existence is imperfect. Although it may be easier psychologically to believe that being gay is inborn the accumulated scientific evidence and biblical evidence suggests otherwise. Some people may have a genetic predis- position towards being gay but human choice is still a factor. A predisposition is not a final disposi- tion. Whatever your predisposition your continu- ing disposition does not have to be the same. You have a choice. People are not born gay ultimately sexual orientation sexual preference unless one is physically born a hermaphrodite-with both sex organs sexual orientation is determined outside of the womb. This truth offers hope for change. SATANS DECEPTION. We are involved in a spiri- tual battle for our souls. If a person feels he or she has been born as the wrong gender the answer is not gender-reassignment surgery hormone ther- apy cross-dressing etc. Those are simply worldly ways of accepting the devils lies. The one who feels he or she was born in the wrong body needs first and foremost to experience the transformative power of Christ 1 Corinthians 136. The truth is God does not make mistakes. Science has sought to find a genetic source for issues related to gender but also for alcoholism drugs and a plethora of other disorders. The thought is that there must be something different in the genetic make-up something different in a certain part of the brain that predisposes people to certain kinds of conduct. Others investigate the aspect of ones lineage believing these disorders to be learned behaviors that placed in a certain envi- ronment people grow up with certain behaviors as their normal in life. Admittedly there are some factors that contrib- ute to gender confusion There are many research- ers who cite environmental factors as major con- tributors to homosexual feelings. They strongly believe that negative early childhood experiences in an unloving or non-supportive home environment are a critical part of this process. Common ele- ments seem to include an emotionally withdrawn or physically absent father and an overbearing flattering or over-protective mother. In many cases there are reports of physical sexual or emotional abuse. However it may be that none of those conditions exists. The reality is that homo- sexual behavior particularly in children begins as an emotional craving not a sexual craving. It William T. Golson God Got It Right By Pastor William T. Golson SERMON The job of parenting is to change fashion and in some cases correct their normal. Certain behaviors are reinforced or condemned by parental and societal influences and definitions. Children growing up in this confused world are bombarded with messages of confusion. Continued on Page 9 7OCTOBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS After Ferguson What Would Jesus Have Us Do We are all born in sin and there comes a day for us all that the Lord knocks upon the door of our hearts. This world is filled with the saved and the unsaved. Those who serve the Lord Jesus Christ and those that unknowingly and know- ingly serve satan. In every walk of life in every occupation God has His people. Citizens both of earth and heaven. Workers of righteousness and workers of unrighteousness. Light and darkness. We have heard the news in our lifetimes about the killing of black men by law enforcement agents. It has happened long before many of us were born and it will continue on this earth until Jesus comes back to rule and reign. Being Ambassadors for Christ we know the truth. We live in this world by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. We do not live as the unsaved nor do we see the things that are hap- pening around us as the unsaved. We have the truth and revelation of this world given by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We know why things are as they are we have been given that spiritual knowledge from God. The truth For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 612 NKJVThe news media plays the devils advocate in pitting race against race - black against white. The news medias job is to instill fear stir up strife and tell untruths and half-truths not the truth. When you hear of anyone being murdered be it in a theatre on the street in their home or in war it always boils down to spiritual warfare satanic influence and man leaning and trusting in his own will and way. The Lord has told us The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly John 1010. The world is blind to this truth but you child of God are not. We cannot act as the world. We must act as the Lord has shown us in His example Jesus shook this world up and changed it by telling the truth of who we are and what state we are in by being our Savior our Lord and our God. He shook this world up by doing miracles and doing the will of His Father that sent Him. Jesus did only what His Father told Him to. We as the children of God will do only what the Lord tells us to do by His Spirit - And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. John 832 In no way do we ignore the things that are going on around us in no way do we bury our heads in the sand. In no way are we ineffective to be change agents for Jesus Christ in this world. Jesus said Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit teach- ing them to observe all things that I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even to the end of the age. Amen. Matthew 2819-20 We are PC Powerful in Christ where ever He sends us. We are not pc Politically Correct. To be politically correct is death it is being carnally and not spiritually minded. Jesus loved but He told truth to those who sinned He joined them right where they were He interacted with them and did not separate himself from their presence their problems their sin. Jesus came to seek to save that which was lost He gave them the truth and the chance to repent and be saved. As citizens of the United States of America Barrack Obama is our President. He has been appointed as Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces and is responsible for enforcing the nations laws. We have police lawyers judges firefighters all of their authority comes from God.Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God and those who resist will bring judg- ment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the author- ity Do what is good and you will have praise from the same. For he is Gods minister to you for good. But if you do evil be afraid for he does not bear the sword in vain for he is Gods minister an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Rom 131- 4 We bless God when we obey the laws of this land as appointed by Him. When we pray for those in author- ity when we come together with those who have a heart to know the people in the community that they serve we bless God. When we realize that there are law enforcement officers and fire- fighters that will lay down their life for you will come to your aid when you need help we bless God. When we aid them in serving this community in which they also live with their fami- lies we bless God. When we realize that there are those who are men and women of faith or those in need of having the love of God showed towards them we bless God. The Lord will take care of those that have done evil that has never been and will never be our job to do. The Lord understands the way of the godly and the ungodly He addresses them in His word. When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice But when a wicked man rules the people groan. Proverbs 291 The righteous con- siders the cause of the poor But the wicked does not understand such knowledge. Proverbs 297 Scoffers set a city aflame But wise men turn away wrath.Proverbs 298The bloodthirsty hate the blameless But the upright seek his well-being. Proverbs 2910If a ruler pays attention to lies All his ser- vants become wickedProverbs 2912 The poor man and the oppressor have this in common The Lord gives light to the eyes of both. Proverbs 2913 When the wicked are multiplied transgres- sion increases But the righteous will see their fall. Proverbs 2916 Correct your son and he will give you rest Yes he will give delight to your soul. Proverbs 2917 Where there is no rev- elation the people cast off restraint But happy is he who keeps the law. Proverbs 2918 An angry man stirs up strife And a furious man abounds in transgression.Proverbs 2922Many seek the rulers favor But justice for man comes from the Lord. Proverbs 2926 An unjust man is an abomination to the righteous And he who is upright in the way is an abomination to the wicked. Proverbs 2926 To be politically correct is death it is being carnally and not spiritually minded. Jesus loved but He told truth to those who sinned. By A Servant of The Most High No government branch affects you as much as your local city school board or other neighbor- hood taxing entity. Aurora City Council is no different the council decides how to zone the city meaning it can effec- tively decide where we live and whether our neighbor down the street is a convenience store a bar or a church. In recent years city council has passed ordinances that banned certain breeds of dogs i.e. Pitbulls American Bulldogs and more. Most recently Aurora City Council approved a construction defect ordinance which allows builders the right to repair defects before litigation is pursued and to offer mon- etary settlements to homeowners in lieu of repairs Construction Defect Journal 2015. Most of all the city council determines how much local tax we pay and they can use that tax- ing power and the ability to give it away to provide tax incentive to certain businesses such as Gaylord Entertainment were the City of Aurora has agreed to a refund of city sales hotel occu- pancy and other taxes to build the Gaylord hotel and conference center near Denver International Airport Denver Post 2015 with NO stipu- lations on hiring and selecting con- tractors for the project. With this type of power there should be NO question as to Why You Should Vote on or Before November 3 2015 Yet about only 10 percent of regis- tered voters in Aurora will generally bother to vote between October 13th and November 3rd and that number is even lower for African Americans. In addition 2015 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which made it easier for Blacks in the South to register to vote. This law made literacy tests poll taxes and other such requirements that were used to restrict black voting illegal Equal Justice Society 2015. Why would you not want to take advantage of the opportunity that so many fought and lost their lives for Especially given the fact that the City of Aurora is the place to be in terms of opportunity. Aurora is one of the most diverse cities in the United States with economic development opportunities from jobs to business in Aerospace Buckley AFB DIA Gaylord the extension of 6th Ave to E470 Transit Oriented Development TOD Healthcare Anschutz cam- pus and more. Did you know the City of Aurora alone spends over 160 million in purchasing buying stuff Did you know that Buckley Airforce base employees 13000 people and pro- vides local contract opportunities around 152 million for businesses Did you know Gaylord Rockies is expected to have about 2500 per- manent job 1800 rooms 500000 sq. ft. conference center and the largest water park in Colorado The stage is being set now for what comes next in Aurora. Will you choose to stay with the current leadership of the City of Aurora or will you choose to have a voice at the table with me Vote Maya Wheeler on or before November 3rd for Aurora City Council Member At-Large. Look for your mail-in ballot between October 12 October 18th. To learn more about my campaign for Aurora City Council Member At-Large or to make a donation visit or call 720-608-0029. By Maya Wheeler Vote On or Before Nov. 3rd Maya Wheeler POLITICS TESTIMONY City council determines how much local tax we pay 8 BOCNEWS.comOCTOBER 2015 Women of Color Passion in my opinion is one of the greatest emotions to feel and even more beautiful to witness coming from another human being. Unfortunately women of color par- ticularly African-American women arent afforded this emotion based on socially-constructed stereotypes of the way our emotions are conveyed. We have to skip the passion and go straight for anger according to these stereotypes. Thats where the Angry Black Woman was born. Now the conversationsthat other people dont want to know about or hear about from the African-American woman no matter the importanceare labeled as angry rants instead ofpassion-backed truths. At the 2015VMAs Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus had a tense exchange of words prompted by Minajs expression viaTwitterabout the way African- American women are treated within the music industry and the merit on which VMA awards are awarded to artistsjust over a month prior to the show. Cyrus took away a chance for the world tothink for themselvesabout Minajs statement that regarded how themedia and music industry downplay African-American success. However in doing this she also creat- ed a vivid image of how insecurities can prompt people to wipe their own guilt away for being afforded privileges that arent equally afforded to everyone else. And to that I say only a hit dog hol- lers and Miley was screaming loud enough for all to hear. If Cyruss attempt to cool Minaj down andto show that she is an ally of African-American women in the music industrywas tosay I lost this award back in 2008 and I was fine with it. Whatever because its no big deal. Its just an award and I persevered. So here are the nominees still vying for your vote. Congratulations Nicki theres a better way to go about it and that includes acknowledging the real issue at hand. There is nothing wrong with being an ally of the African-American com- munity but as an ally dont speak on or address what specific experiences or life as a whole should look like because those who arent members of the African-American race will never have to experience it for themselves. Those who are allies only have knowledge of what people from that community choose to show or tell them therefore no one has the right to tell African- Americans how they shouldhandle anything that has to do with their spe- cific race and culture. In a recentinterviewwith New York Times whereCyrus was asked about theTwitter conversationshe said If you do things with an open heart and you come at things with loveMinaj would be heard and I would respecther statement. But I dont respect her statement because of the anger that came with it. It was odd that she saw the tweets as angry instead of recognizing thatMinaj was addressing a concern about African-American women in the music industry. Out of all the feelings that Minajs tweets couldve evoked why anger But since Cyrus felt an angry vibe why didnt she address the cause of the anger and the content of Minajs tweets She definitely took the time out to put onher tone-policing badge but never did she acknowledge the real issue behinds Minajs com- mentary. As the dictionary would explain to us anger brings hostility. I personally dont think Minaj was tweeting in hos- tility butrather bringing awareness to something that affects her commu- nity as not only an African-American woman but also an artist. Cyrus had no right to step in anddevalue Minajs words in the interview that followed the Twitter feud. She invalidated Minajs point and dismissedher statements as anger for not getting chosen for an award when really it was over an issue much bigger than that. As a Caucasian woman Cyrus should have stayed in her space instead of overreaching and telling a woman of color how she should feel about how she is treated and to anyone who thinks otherwise with the heart of Nicki Minaj I ask you whats really good Dismissing African- American women by calling them angry or mad is minimizing themand their voices and ultimately negating their entire statement and position like it never happened. African-American women arent always angry mad or bitter when it comes to getting passionate about an issue we believe in. When we speak it comes from the heart experiences and emotions unspoken from walk- ing a path in life where not only do youexperience discriminationfor being a woman but even more so for being an African-American woman. Do not silence us by dismissing us as angry because we told you the truth about a real issue that we are passion- ate about and its not what you wanted to hear because we talk from a place that touches the depths of our souls and you dont know how to handle it because we didnt water down our words for delicate or selective ears or because we wouldnt accept poor excuses for why we are counted out and slept on. Dont call us angry or ghetto because our voice tones went up an octave. We have a right to feel to think and above all else we have a right to voice those emotions and feel- ings without being told to calm down. So for future reference the next time you get into a heated discussion with a woman of color and feel the urge to say Whoa why are you so angry Please excuse her anger shes just being passionate. In the month of August 1963 something was stirring in the spiritual atmo- sphere. A new fresh start was upon the city of Colorado Springs as the Holy Spirit began to water the seed that had been planted in the souls of a group of believers. Finally on Sunday September 1 1963 the Reverend Dr. Thomas J. Marigna initiated the first official worship service of the body of believ- ers that would eventually be named the Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church EMBC. Fifty two years and four Pastors later Emmanuel continues to minis- ter to the people of Colorado Springs and surrounding areas. In August 2010 Emmanuel embarked on a Capital Funds Campaign to raise one million dol- lars solely through sacrificial giving. The Campaign was scheduled for two years and by the grace of God we surpassed the established goal in a shorter period of time To God be the glory As the Senior Pastor I give high pri- ority to unity and oneness in Christ creating a church where racial social and economic diversity is wel- comed. An equally grave concern for me is the recent statistic that says approximately 75 of the people in our community is unchurched. Further weighing on my mind was the awareness of the void that was created in the southwest area of the city when Emmanuel moved to Vickers Drive. I knew the reopening of the Walnut location would allow us to reconnect with those who felt abandoned by the church as well as provide the opportunity to reach out to the unsaved. As I prayerfully con- sidered how to operate Emmanuel in two locations God was providen- tially connecting me to Pastor Calvin Johnson and after several conversa- tions we believed he was called to be the Pastor of the Emmanuel South Campus. Pastor Johnson has a unique gift- ing for evangelism and planting churches. His passion for helping people know Jesus and come fully alive in Him has taken him to cit- ies throughout the United States and abroad. Pastor Johnsons 15 years of Pastoral experience has equipped him to come along side me in this ministry thereby creating a new model for the African American church in this community. EMBC is striving to fulfill the great commission through Spiritual Development Community Involvement and Temple Restoration. In general we dem- onstrate this through preaching and hearing the Scriptures fasting prayer and thanksgiving as well as singing. We seek to be a congrega- tion that continually welcomes peo- ple into the worship and fellowship of our life together. EMBC is a cov- enant family of faith connected by Christ that relies on the Holy Spirit to work through us to glorify God nurture spiritual strength discover our gifts for service and inspire us as we share Gods blessings with others. We consider each person as a soul entrusted to us for protection development and preparation for the Kingdom of Heaven. We have the responsibility to provide the best possible public instruction in the Gospel and the best training for service to exercise a tender loving patient watch care over the people of God and to use the utmost dili- gence and effort for their enlighten- ment sanctification and usefulness as we press toward the mark of maturity in Christ Jesus. We want to help people feel embraced and included leading them to through and from the waters of baptism as we all grow in our journey with God. Worship is the center of our life together around which everything we do revolves. It gives shape to our corporate life and empowers our fel- lowship and our ministries. Worship is the primary arena where our faith is formed but it doesnt end there. Faith formation continues through our fellowship Christian education service together and the community at large. All this culminates into what we call the EMMANUEL EXPERIENCE. The experience is difficult to explain. One must be exposed to it to understand. It is an atmosphere where one is free to laugh cry sing shout and respond to the movement of the Holy Spirit as led by Him. As the Senior Pastor I cordially invite you to worship with us at either Campus and be exposed to the wor- ship of God like never before. Pastor Calvin Johnson Pastor Thompson Pastor Calvin Johnson By Sr. Pastor Cleveland A. Thompson PASTOR PROFILECOMMUNITY By Chynna Fayne Chynna Fayne We consider each person as a soul entrusted to us for protection development and preparation for the Kingdom of Heaven. 9OCTOBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS reflects a legitimate emotional need for non-sexual love that ultimately becomes sexualized with the onset of puberty. According to the Bible the prob- lem is sin. It started with Adam and has propa- gated throughout all humanity. The only remedy for sin is Christ. GODS REMEDY. In 1 Corinthians 69-10 the sin of homosexuality is listed right next to theft. Just as there is no genetic excuse for stealing there is no genetic excuse for homosexuality. Environment culture and choice make one a thief and the same factors make one a homosexual. Christ died for all sinners gay and straight. God loves persons of all sexual orientations just as He loves all sinners. In Christ alone we find the definitive source for healing restoration forgive- ness and comfort. He is the way by which we can all experience the affirming unconditional love value and acceptance of our Father in heaven. It is important to note that sexual immorality including same-sex activity is listed alongside other sins in Scripture indicating that God does not rank one sin as worse than another. While the consequences of some sins are greater than oth- ers Scripture often simply lists sins side by side Matthew 151920. We all have a past. We all have something we have come out of something that we would rather no one else knows something that we will take to our grave. We would be gravely ashamed if the whole truth of our existence was told if the thoughts of our heart was revealed if the video of our actions was played for all to see. For some of us the escapades of our lives would go viral. Interestingly following the 1 Corinthians 69- 10 declaration of those who will not inherit the Kingdom of God Paul declares Gods remedy. He says And such were some of you. But you were GOD ... continued from page 6 10 BOCNEWS.comOCTOBER 2015 Supporting each other for a stronger tomorrow. Take control NOW and Pre-Plan Today. Preplanning allows YOU to determine how your final arrangements will be carried out without putting the burden on your family. 303 872-7422 6601 East Colfax Avenue Denver Colorado 80220 Stylish Processions Reception FacilityOn-Site Chapel PipkinBraswell 11OCTOBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS 12 BOCNEWS.comOCTOBER 2015 13OCTOBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS 14 BOCNEWS.comOCTOBER 2015 15OCTOBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS 16 BOCNEWS.comOCTOBER 2015 The Occasion... On Saturday the 19th of September 2015 at the Park Hill Golf Course we were blessed two have our 2nd Annual Fall Banquet. The Denver Funeral Directors and Morticians Association in Denver Colorado had the pleasure of honoring two great pioneers Dr. Syl Morgan-Smith of Denver and Mr. Charles McCulley of Pueblo founder of the Angelus Funeral home located in Colorado Springs and Pueblo Colorado. DFDMA comes together under one umbrella to serve the community and to acknowledge and be a blessing to different ones that have served in their communities for their attri- butes for what they do for so many people and to celebrate their lives while they yet can see their blessings. This year it was an outpouring of love and support for these two great people including many of our clergy throughout the city. We are looking forward to many more events including local scholarships given in the near future. We ask that you pray for us as we pray for you. Here are a few pictures from our won- derful evening celebrating our two great pioneers. 17OCTOBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS LOCAL EVENTs Gospel Golf Classic Oct. 9th The Dr.P.H. Gholston Bible Institute will be on Friday 9th. starting at 600 pm. and Saturday October 10th starting 900am. Classes will be held at Christ the King Missionary Baptist Church2390 Olive Street Denver CO The public is invited. For more infor- mation or Question contact Minister Warren Rasberry 303 371-6219 Community Event Oct 3rd Sat Project L.I.F.E. is host- ing a Community event partnering with Cooking Matters who will be host- ing an interactive nutritional budget- friendly presentation on how to shop smarter healthier. The Community is invited to attend this event from 12 - 2pm. at 3840 York Street Suite 100 80205 or call 303 292-0016 CBWPA Award Luncheon Oct 10th Colorado Black Women for Political Action CBWPA announc- es its 2015 Tribute to Black Woman Award Recipients to be honored at the 36th Annual Award Luncheon at the Renaissance Hotel Denver. Pres. Maya Wheeler has chosen to recog- nize 7 outstanding Women who are dedicated to advocating and making a difference in the black community. The Event starts at noon doors at 1115a. 7th Annual Womens Day Oct. 10th AURORA CITZENSLAW ENFORCEMENT BRIDGE BUILDING CONVERSATION Presented by Christs Church Apostolic 14007 E 22nd PL Aurora CO 303 340-3520 WWW. CHRISTCHURCHAPOSTOLIC.COM Tailgate Party Oct 23rd Dancing with Breast Cancer Stars at Radisson Denver Southeast 3155 S. Vaughn Way Aurora CO. 80014 600pm.-700pm Reception Hour. 600pm.- Midnight. A BLACK TIE AFFAIR. 2nd Annual Community Walk Oct. 24th Heritage Festival Generations of Celebrations Recording the Past for the Future. 930am.-400pm. Denver Central Library Conference Room Lower Level Featuring Dr. Larry H. Spruill and Ms. Shamele Jordon. A FREE EVENT. Anniversary Revival Oct 28 29 Crowne Plaza DIA. Rocky Mountain Audio Video Expo Registration is FREE check it out Bishop George Bloomer Oct. 28th Next Door Dinning Fundraiser for the Black American West Museum and Heritage Center. Eat and Raise Money for Programs and operat- ing expenses on Monday 5 to 9pm. At the Next Door Union Station Restaurant is at 1701 Wynkoop St. 100 Denver CO. Celebration Luncheon Nov. 13 15 Friday The Bethsaida Temple Christian Center invites you to thank God for Bishop Earl O. Holiman First Lady Aurelia Holimans 50 yrs in ministry 65 years of marriage. Guest Speaker Bishop Almer Combs of Christ Church Apostolic Aurora. Appreciation Banquet 630p. Double Tree Hotel 3203 Quebec St. Denver. Sunday 15th Celebration Service 11a. Bethsaida Temple Christian Center 3930 E. 37th Avenue Denver CO. Guest Speaker Bishop Louis Osborne of Fellowship of Christian Believers in Houston TX. for more information call 303388-7317 Our Relationship With God Ialways begin my prayers with rec- ognizing the omnipresence of God. God truly is all that there is. This has always been and will always be the Truth. Throughout the annals of time a lot has been presented about what andor who God is. Obviously God is infinitely more than its human and non-human creations. Through experience education and intuition I have come to recognize and embrace that I have been created in the image and likeness of God. What does this really mean This means that the presence of God is embedded in every aspect of my being. God is not separate from me looking at me from a far assess- ing my every action. This means that God has bestowed upon me all of its attributes. I have an innate relation- ship with God. God Is and I am We can choose to embrace our divinity and take charge of our destiny and human experience. Or we can choose a life of separation victimhood lack limitation and fear. Religion provides us with a lot of information guidance and inspira- tion. How many religions are in exis- tence There is said to be approxi- mately 4200 religions in existence. Thats right 4200 Some are more prevalent than others and some bet- ter known. The vast majority of them recognize the presence of a superior being or entity and have associated a certain name with it Yawee Vishnu Allah God etc. What makes one reli- gion accurate and others inaccurate If a person chooses to follow a certain religion what criteria do they use in making that choice A very wise man once told me that reli- gion points you in a direction and it is up to you to take the jour- ney of discovery. We each have a per- sonal and direct rela- tionship with God. The problem is that most people have forgotten this. So our mission is to remember who we really are and why we were created. We are here to rediscover our relationship with God and to allow it to reveal itself in every aspect of our lives. The first thing to remember is that we have a choice Eve is a great example of this. We have a choice in everything that we think say and do. Everything that we say and do is predicated with a thought. To dis- cover the power of our thoughts is one of the greatest discoveries that we can embark upon. Look at all of the discoveries that have been made in medicine technology science human physical performance. What if you knew that you really were created in the image and likeness of God What would this look and feel like Jesus knew this This means that you would remember that you are an eternal being having a human experi- ence. We are passing through this multi-dimensional domain. We are here to express the Allness of God... including but not limited to Joy love compassion creativity abundance courage happiness and forgiveness. Each of us is spiritual royalty and the kingdom of heaven has already been bestowed to us. It is our responsibil- ity to accept the kingdom and live our lives accordingly. What if I told you that you could have anything you really desired any- thing. Would you believe it Probably not because most people believe that suffering is a part of life and we are all sinners by design. WE ARE NOT HERE TO SUFFER The problem is humanity has forgotten who they real- ly are and have allowed themselves to be influenced by people media and yes religion in such a way that fear doubt anger hatred rage lack and limitation have been ingrained into the human psyche and conscious- ness. What are you occupying your thoughts with Are you constantly thinking about the good in your life Are you immersed in thoughts of love joy happiness prosperity forgive- ness gratitude tolerance and peace Or are you constantly moving through your life in fear anger resentment denial regret and judgment What do you do in your free or down time Are there certain people or things in your life that trigger negative emo- tions in you I sincere- ly invite you to take time to look at these questions that have been presented. I think you will be surprised at how much time you spend in negative thought. No wonder your life is not working the way you would really like it to Like attracts like Love attracts love joy attracts more joy. Anger fear negativity attracts more anger fear and negativity. Let me remind you that you always have choice. You chose to read this article. You chose to get out of bed this morn- ing. You chose to go to workor not. Why dont you choose to live a life of spiritual royalty Choose to live a life of joy happi- ness forgiveness and abundance. I am talking about loving everyone and everything. Instead of seeing the glass have empty see it half full and being filled to overflowing. How about seeing the beauty and perfection in every person place and thing regard- less of the appearance I invite you to be grateful for everything. God does not make any mistakes. Everything that has ever happened is happening right now and will happen is divinely orchestrated. You are the conductor of your life. There are no coincidences in this thing called Life. You must understand that you have influenced and are respon- sible for everything that happens in your life. You are not a victim. You are spiritual royalty whom has been called by name. Now is the time to answer the call. Renew your relationship with God. You are not going to find God in a book any book. You will find God within you your heart. You must start within. I invite you to begin your day every day in quite communion with the Divine with God. Simply sit quietly in silence maybe focusing on your heartbeat. Lovingly release every thought that makes its way into your mind. This can be very challenging at times. Do this for five minutes at first then gradually increase the time you spend in silence to begin your day. It is time for the Prodigal Child to return home. Let your communion with God in the silence be your next step. I think you will be pleasantly surprised in the results. SERMON Choose to live a life of joy happiness forgiveness and abundance. I am talking about loving everyone and everything. Instead of seeing the glass have empty see it half full and being filled to overflowing. Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents. Sizes shown areapproximate esti- mates and are here mainly for the purpose of ordering the groups not providing a definitive number. This list is sociologicalstatistical in per- spective. Christianity 2.1 billion Islam 1.5 billion SecularNonreligiousAgnostic Atheist 1.1 billion Hinduism 900 million Chinese traditional religion 394 million Buddhism 376 million primal-indigenous 300 million African Traditional Diasporic 100 million Sikhism 23 million Juche 19 million Spiritism 15 million Judaism 14 million Bahai 7 million Jainism 4.2 million Shinto 4 million Cao Dai 4 million Zoroastrianism 2.6 million Tenrikyo 2 million Neo-Paganism 1 million Unitarian-Universalism 800 thousand Rastafarianism 600 thousand Scientology 500 thousand By Rev. Aaron D. Sims Aaron D. Sims 18 BOCNEWS.comOCTOBER 2015 19OCTOBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS We want your news Body of Christ News wants to hear about your calendar events announcements or conferences. Send your news to or fax us at 303.344.4608. MCCOWANS CELEBRATE 65 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Lee McCowan celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on March 21 with a reception with their family and friends. Mr. Gussie McCowan married the former Sarah Mae Williams on February 13 1944. Mr. McCowan has worked for the City of Athens and Brownsboro Independent School District. Mrs. McCowan is a loving devoted housewife and mother. Their children are Glory Thompson Deloris Robinson and Victor McCowan all of Tyler Paul McCowan and Jimmy McCowan both of Colorado Ronnie McCowan of Missouri and the late Theaudry and Isiah McCowan both of Dallas. They have 24 grandchildren 30 great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. 20 BOCNEWS.comOCTOBER 2015 St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church The first church opened in the Stapleton com- munity as Mayor Michael Hancock was there to welcome the pastor and his congregation. St. Stephen Missionary Baptist church had its official opening and ribbon cutting ceremony on September 6. I am very proud that Rev. West worked tirelessly to make this happen and now the vision has come to fruition said Mayor Hancock. Denvers Director of Safety Stephanie OMalley also attended the ceremony along with many oth- ers. Pastor Randolph C. West Jr. is the senior pastor at St. Stephen. The church was formerly located in the heart of Denver on Humboldt Street near the Five Points area. Now the new facility is located at 2050 Unita St. off Montview Blvd. in the Stapleton area. Pastor West said his growing congregation need- ed to be on larger land with more space and park- ing in order to see his ministrys vision fulfilled. We also want to expand our school for ages 2 months old to 4 years old Pastor West said of the brand new Acacia learning center that will be a big part of St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church. So far he adds the school can house 209 chil- dren and has 11 classrooms with certified teachers on board. In addition there will be a before and after school program for older children. While it took years of planning there were many road blocks in making the new church facility hap- pen. A lot of the builders and construction contractors were not exactly honest. They were thieves and robbers said Pastor West. But the Lord blessed us to continue the churchs vision and partner with Samuels Engineering Legacy Gilmore con- struction and Church Finance. This is just the first phase completed for the St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church complex. The main sanctuary seats 500 will expand to a 600 seating capacity over the next year. And affordable senior housing will be built along the back side of the church within the next two years. Pastor West is deeply proud of what he and his congregation have accomplished. A small congre- gation of 200 people has now grown to more than 600 members at St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church which celebrates its 115th birthday in December. If you ever come to tour our building or visit your heart will be touched. Its a beautiful build- ing Pastor West states. St. Stephen Missionary Baptist church is located 2050 Unita St. Sunday worship service is at 8 and 11 a.m. Bible study on Wednesdays at 730 p.m. washed but you were sanctified but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God 1 Corinthians 611. Notice Paul declares and such were some of you. Our society has become focused on certain sins and elevated them to the status of being 10s. Those of us who have sins in our lives that are maybe 3s or 5s somehow feel that we are lesser sinners but we need to recognize that we are sin- ners nonetheless. When it comes to sin with God sin is sin. Thank God that we are not what we used to be. Thank God that we have been washed cleansed and justified in Christ. Whatever your sin know that God has a remedy. That remedy is in a relationship with Christ. Of this we can be sure our inclinations at birth do not define the totality of our lives. The only birth that defines who are and what we ulti- mately become is our new birth in Christ Jesus 2 Corinthians 517. Whatever we were before in Christ we can find a new life new purpose new meaning a new lifestyle new hopes and new dreams. That declaration is for all people for all sinners fornicators idolaters adulterers homo- sexuals sodomites thieves covetous drunkards revilers extortioners 1 Corinthians 69-10 that is to say all of us. No matter the sin cleansing and forgiveness is available to us all. GOD GOT IT RIGHT. Sin has tainted his creation but GOD GOT IT RIGHT from the start. Let the church be a beacon of light for those who want to leave any sinful lifestyle. Let us offer all people the power of Jesus Christ to bring healing in their lives to set them free from sin and to be made a new creation in Christ Jesus. Let us pray for the salvation of the homosexual the same you would any other person in sin. All people are made in the image of God no matter their sin. Therefore let us show the same dignity to all people. However this does not mean that we are to approve of their sin. No matter what the masses say dont compromise your witness for a socially acceptable opinion that is void of godli- ness. GOD ... continued from page 9 The widow of the late Honorable Joseph Joe Bernard Rogers Colorados Second African American Lieutenant Governor Mrs. Juanita Kay Rogers died surround- ed by family after a long battle with can- cer Sunday evening September 27 2015. She was the second Black woman to serve as Colorados Second Lady. Mrs. Rogers was 52 years old and a retired government accountant. She was always at her husbands side as a devot- ed wife mother partner advisor and confidante. She served with grace energy and commitment as she fulfilled her historic role as a young Colorados Second Lady and mother caring for young chil- dren. She is survived by their three children Trent Jordan and Haley Rogers her three siblings Michael Pamela Hardy Angela Tony Hardy-Wilhite and Terri Hardy and other relatives. Her parents and husband preceded her in death. Ironically she died on Race for the Cure Sunday and just days before the second anniversary of the sudden death of her late husband on October 7 2013. The media and public are invited to attend a Celebration of Her Life this Saturday October 3 2015 11 AM at True Light Baptist Church 14333 Bolling Drive Denver Colorado Montbello. She will be laid to rest beside her late husband at Fairmount Cemetery 430 S. Quebec Street in Denver. The Public Visitation will be held Friday October 2 2015 from 4 - 9 PM at the Pipkin Braswell Funeral Home located at 6601 E. Colfax Ave Denver. Please send condolences and other communications to Juanita Rogers Family Juanita Rogers 041963 092015 OBITUARY 21OCTOBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS LHBC ANNUAL PICNIC Rev. Dr. Robin D. Holland and the Living Hope Baptist Church family want to take this occasion to thank God for making this time to share fun food and games at our annual LHBC picnic at Hoffman Park this past August 15 2015. It is our prayer to have more Aurora Police and Aurora Firefighters of Station 2 join us with their families next year. The firefighters have always been a part of our picnics for as long as we can remember. We love having them with us - our picnic would not be the same without them. Chief Nick Metz his girlfriend and some officers of the Aurora Police found the time to join us we were so blessed by their presence and their desire to come out and be with us to get to know us and give us the opportunity to get to know those that serve us. The Lord allowed us a time to show our love and appreciation for them and their work. We will be praying for these men and women that serve us as ordained by God. We will be praying for their families. We will be praying for and doing what the Lord calls us to do for our community and those that live here. Bless God and reach out to those in law enforcement and in the fire departments around you. We need to put aside the color of the skin and professions. Seek to bring glory to God as souls are the great concern of our Lord - the Bishop of Souls. We are in the world but not of this world. Live supernaturally outside of the norms and bounds of human wis- dom and ways. Live in Christ. 22 BOCNEWS.comOCTOBER 2015 23OCTOBER 2015BODY OF CHRIST NEWS