b"SERMONLove Never FailsBy Rev. Dr. PM Wyn working that arm. Gifts without loveHeknowshowtoimitateGod'slove,that he died on Calvary for you and me, lead to bondage. We would be in bigifthereisagreementbetweenbothwe truly were not worth it. Oh, what a trouble if Jesus has gotten angry afterparties. But the minutelove!It'stimeforus A re you the kind of person that doeshe died on the cross and we did notone person does some- to stop being so selfish things for other people, but whenlove him back. If fact we probably willthingtheotherpersonandfullofpride.And they do not do the same for you, younot be here today. doesnotlike,thatisifwecanhelpsome-become offended? Let us say you paid1 John 4:8 says, He who does notwhentheimitationisbody along the way, let their rent or gave them a ride; you maylove has not become acquainted withrevealed. itbebecausewewant haveloanedthemacarwhentheirsGod(doesnotandneverdidknowPleaseread1toshowthereflection broke down. When your love muscle isHim),forGodislove.HowcanyouCorinthians 13 in yourofChristinourlives, under- developed you'll desire to blessgenuinelyloveothersifyoudonotsparetime.God'sloveandnotbepuffedup, people,butbehurtwhentheydon'thave God? If God is love and you doisbasedonHiscove- lovedoesnotbragor bless you in return. But when love isnot have love, then the thing you arenant with us. Covenantbecomearrogant.You your motive you will bless people andcalling love is a man-made imitation.love says, I will, even ifsimply want to love oth-release them to God. The Holy GhostSatanlivedwithGodlongenoughyou won't. Think abouters as Christ has loved said,WatchthehandthatblessestobeabletoimitateHIScharacter.it. Even when we messus, without a motive.you, because there is a motive that'sup,Godstilllovesus.HeavenlyFather, NowthinkabouttheIfIhadathousand peopleyoudealwithtongues,Icouldnever daily.Eachrepresentsthankyouenoughfor anopportunityforyoutogrowinloving me so much that you sent your the fruit of the Spirit. As we let theonly begotten son to die on the cross HolySpiritdeveloplove,joy,peace,for me. But I can try to live a little more It's time for us to stop being so selfish andpatience, and the other five facets inrighteous and Holy according to your us, we can recognize the value of theWord each and every day. Thank you, full of pride. And if we can help somebodyweights God allows in our lives. ofLord, for loving me. AmenYouwill neverdevelopthefruitRemember Your VOTE Mattersalong the way, let it be because we wanttheSpiritunlessGodallowssome challenges(opportunities)tocome to show the reflection of Christ in our lives,your way. So, keep loving and seekingPMWynnGrove&PastorsLee God,andlettheHolySpiritdevelopW. Grove Jr., are the Founders of love does not brag or become arrogant. yourlovemuscle.TrustHim,obeyHeavenly Sent Ministries. We want His leadership, and HE will accomplishto remind you to vote in November! HIS work in you. PleaserememberwhatGodhas This is the time of year we celebratecalled us to do as Believers when we the resurrection of our Lord and Saviorvote!PM can be reached by email; Jesus Christ. He loved us soooo muchpmwynn9@msn.com10 NOVEMBER 2020 BOCNEWS.com"