b'COMMUNITYMary Tellis Takes on a New RoleBy Kent ScroggsIanexcitingannouncementI have want to share with you. Mary Tellis hasacceptedRestorationOutreach Programs (ROP) offer to become our next Executive Director and will offi-ciallybeginservinginthatcapacity on September 8th.ThepurposeofROPResource Ministries is to reach out to the com-munityonEastColfaxbyproviding resourcesthathelpindividualslead livestowardsself-sufficiency.Itis ROPshopethatthevisibilityinthe communitywillprovideanoppor-tunitytoshareChristwiththose whoarehurtingandwithouthope. ROPprovideswraparoundservicesMary Tellisinclusive of: Work Readiness, Refugee Resources and Outreach, ESL classes, youthandchildren\'sministry,after schooltutorials,foodbank,etc.The missionis"Meetingneeds,Building relationships, Restoring lives through ChristwithintheEastColfaxcom-munity. Mary isMary brings an impressive resume ofexperienceandeducationto also bright,ROP,includingaMastersDegreein LeadershipfromDenverSeminary, articulate,severalyearsasAssociateExecutive Director at Open Door Ministries (the ministrythatlaunchedROPmore winsome andthan 12.5 years ago), and many years of service as a Ministry and Missions has a passionCoachfortheAmericanBaptist ChurchesoftheRockyMountain Region.Mostimportantly,Maryalso for the gospelbrings a demonstrated love for Jesus and the people ROP is called to serve.and ministry,Mary is also bright, articulate, win-some and has a passion for the gos-everything shepelandministry,i.e.everythingshe needstobeahighlyeffectiveleader at ROP. needs to be aMarysacceptanceofROPsoffer highly effective isclearevidencetoallinvolvedof GodsmovingandworkingoutHis will in this situation. I could not beleader at ROP more pleased and excited, and I look forwardwithgreatanticipationto howGodwilluseMarysleadership to bless the people of our community and build His Kingdom along the East Colfax corridor.Please join with me in thanking God forHisgoodnessandHisprovision and direction of ROPs ministry.8 SEPTEMBER 2020 BOCNEWS.com'