b"Scriptures for Thought SCRIPTURER omans12:112:21I[Let] love be without dissimu- Jesus' Inaugural Sermon At Nazarethbeseechyoutherefore,lation. Abhor that which is evil; brethren, by the mercies of God,cleave to that which is good.that ye present your bodies aBe] kindly affectioned one to livingsacrifice,holy,accept- another with brotherly love; inratechildrenfromtheirparents);Theearly able unto God, [which is] yourhonour preferring one another; By Rev. PM Wynn churchurgednewleaderstorememberthe reasonable service. Not slothful in business; fer- poor(Gal.2:10).Theyevenevaluatedtheir And be not conformed to thisvent in spirit; serving the Lord; world:butbeyeRejoicinginhope;Y ouknownearlyeverysocietyandeverysuccess in part by how much they collected in transformed by thepatientintribula- cityinthebiblicaltimeshadalargecharitable contributions (Romans 15:26-27).renewingofyourtion;continuingunderclass-peoplescrapingbyonthemar- SoIaskyoutoday,towhatextentwill mind, that ye mayinstant in prayer; gins of society. The underclass included theChristianstodayfollowinthefootstepsof prove what [is] thatDistributingtopoor,thesick,thedisabled,theleperstheJesus and the first Believers? Our cities, like good,andaccept- thenecessityofblind, the insane the demon pos- theirs,arefillingupwithan able,andperfect,saints;giventosessed,widows,orphans,run- underclass.Howcanweoffer will of God. hospitality.Blessaways,cast-waysandrefugeesgoodnewstothem?Canwe ForIsay,themwhichper- and their children. All lacking thetouch their bodies as well as their throughthegracesecuteyou:bless,basicresourcesfordailyliving.souls? Do we take them seriously givenuntome,toandcursenot.Many turned to begging stealing,as our Savior did?everymanthatisRejoicewiththemmenial labor, slavery, and pros- Johnrepeatedlyappealsfor amongyou,nottoRev. Paul Lewis that do rejoice, andtitution.Manyremainedpower- love(1John2:10;3:3,10-24; think[ofhimself]weepwiththemlesstochangetheirconditions.4: 7-12, 16-21). Jesus said you morehighlythanthat weep. Sounds somewhat similar to thehavethepoorwithyoualways he ought to think; but to think[Be]ofthesamemindoneworld we are living in now, and(Mark 14:7). The book of Proverbs soberly, according as God hathtoward another. Mind not highhowthegovernmentistreatingdeclaresthatGodsoidentifies dealt to every man the measurethings, but condescend to menthe underclass. withthepoorthattomockthe of faith. oflowestate.BenotwiseinYetitwastotheunderclasspooristoinsultGod(Proverbs For as we have many mem- your own conceits. Recompensethat Jesus intentionally directed17:5).Mockingthoseinneed bers in one body, and all mem- to no man evil for evil. ProvidemuchofHislifeandministry.Theywereincludesjumpingtoconclusionsaboutwhy bers have not the same office: things honest in the sight of allamong the blessed in His opening remarks inthey are poor. Jesus' words about the inevita-So we, [being] many, are onemen. the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5:3-10). Andbility of there being poor people can also be read body in Christ, and every oneIf it be possible, as much asHe declared that He had come to bring themas a call to His followers to serve the poor after members one of another. lieth in you, live peaceably withgood news in His inaugural sermon a NazarethHe was gone. By serving the poor, we are con-Havingthengiftsdifferingall men. (Luke4:17-18).Soitwasnosurprisethattinually serving Jesus. But if we close our eyes accordingtothegracethatisDearlybeloved,avengenotwhenJohn'squestioningdisciplescametoand ears to their plight, then God warns thatgiven to us, whether prophecy,yourselves,but[rather]giveask whether He was indeed the Messiah, theywe will not be noticed when we fall on hard [letusprophesy]accordingtoplace unto wrath: for it is writ- found Him ministering among the underclasstime (Prov. 21: 13). the proportion of faith; ten, Vengeance [is] mine; I will(Luke 7: 20-21).Or ministry, [let us wait] onrepay, saith the Lord. Nor was it any surprise that the early church [our]ministering:orhethatTherefore if thine enemy hun- continuedthisoutreach.TheyusedtheirPM Wynn Grove & Pastors Lee W. Grove teacheth, on teaching; ger, feed him; if he thirst, giveresourcestomeetmaterialsneedsamongJr.,aretheFoundersofHeavenlySent Orhethatexhorteth,onhim drink: for in so doing thoutheirownmembers(Act2:44-45,4:32,34:- Ministries. We want to remind you to vote exhortation:hethatgiveth,shalt heap coals of fire on his35). They attracted the sick and afflicted (Actsin November! Please remember what God [lethimdoit]withsimplicity;head. 5:12-16).TheyappointedleaderstomanagehascalledustodoasBelieverswhen hethatruleth,withdiligence;Be not overcome of evil, butsocial programs for widows (Act 6: 1-6) Theywevote!PMcanbereachedbyemail; hethatshewethmercy,withovercome evil with good. sentfaminerelief(Acts11:27-30).Certainlypmwynn9@msn.comcheerfulness. not place individuals in iron cages and sepa-18 SEPTEMBER 2020 BOCNEWS.com"