b'POLITICSEncourage and Build Them UpBy Maya Wheeler, Community Advocate To register to vote visit govotecolorado.com. James ColemanThe community corner is an opportunity for com- Party: Democraticmunity members to discuss what is on their minds.Office: Senate District 33T he election of the Historic 8 (i.e. the largest num- Everyone is invited and encouraged to share theirWebsite:colemanforcolorado.comber of Black legislators to serve in Colorado) inthoughts,viewsandcommentsonissuesthat 2016 represented another advancement in the slowimpact our communities and neighborhoods.PleaseTony Exum Sr.but steady progress African Americans have madesubmityourinputbythe15thofeachmonthtoParty: DemocraticinrecentdecadesingainingagreaterfootholdinHYPERLINK "mailto:mayaw.boc@gmail.com" mayaw. Office:House District 17Coloradopoliticalleadership,particularlyintheboc@gmail.com or via twitter @MayaWheelerCO. Website: tonyexum.comColorado State House of Representatives.Accordingtoa2016PewResearchCentersur- MayaWheelerisacandidateforColoradoStateLeslie Herodvey, many Blacks view political representation as aHouse Representative in House District 41 in Aurora,Party: Democraticpotential catalyst for increased racial equality whichCO.She believes working together we can do betterOffice: House District 8is key in our current state of racial division, distrustfor House District 41 residents and ALL Coloradans.Website: leslieherodforcolorado.comand a call for real leadership. Visitmaya4co.comtogetinvolved,donate,sign Mayas petition to get on the June 30, 2020 primaryDominique JacksonIn2020,wehaveBlackcandidatessteppingupand learn more about the campaign. Party: DemocraticandrunningforofficeintheDenverMetroArea.Office: House District 42Theyhavetakenonthequestion,whatcantheyDr. Stephany Rose SpauldingWebsite:jacksonforcolorado.comdo to make Colorado and America a more equitableParty: Democraticplace for ALL us to live? Office:United States SenateRhoda Fields2020presentsanopportunityfortheBlackWebsite:stephanyforco.com Party: DemocraticcommunitytogetinvolvedandgetmoreAfricanOffice:Senate District 29Americans elected to the Colorado State Legislature,Keith Idris Website: rhondafields.com firstBlackwomanelectedtotheU.SSenate,andParty: Democratic Naquetta Ricksfirst African American man elected to county com- Office:Commissioner Dist. 3 Party: Democraticmissioner in Arapahoe County. Website:idriskeith.com Office:House District 4The Second Regular Session of the Seventy-secondWebsite:ricks4co.comGeneral Assembly will convene on January 8, 2020.Jennifer Bacon ItsimportantthattheissuesplaguingAfrican- Party: Democratic Maya WheelerAmericans across our state are not ignored and thatOffice: House District 7 Party: Democraticour vote is not taken for granted (Rep Jovan Melton,Website: electjenniferbacon.com Office: House District 4`2018). Website:maya4co.comWemustworktogether,encourageoneanotherJanet Bucknerand build each other up to ensure policies are aimedParty: Democratic Angela Williamsat the advancement of people of color.Office: Senate District 28 Party: DemocraticIt is crucial that we get involved and do our home- Website: Office:Senate District 33worktolearnwhichcandidatewillbestrepresentjanetbuckner.com/statesenate2020 Website:angela4colo.comour interest in office and VOTE in 2020.2 JANUARY 2020 BOCNEWS.com'