b'SERMON COMMUNITYThe Truth AboutNew Study Takes an Unprecedented Look at New YearsBeing Black in Corporate AmericaResolutions D espitebillionsspentondiversity and inclusion, new research from the Center for Talent Innovation finds that black professionals face prejudice, By Dr. Sandra Powell a lack of support from managers, and a cycle of exclusion that keeps them from the C-suiteT he truthNEWYORK,December10, a b o u t newyear\'s2019-CorporateAmericaneedsto r e s o l u - awakentothechallengesfacedby tions!?! blackprofessionals,accordingtoa Wewillnewstudypublishedtodaybynon-needmoreprofit think tank the Center for Talent than a newInnovation (CTI). year\'s\'res- In the workplace, black professionals olutionifare more likely to encounter prejudice wegenu- and micro-aggressions than any other inelywantracialorethnicgroup.Theyareless Sandra Powell tohavelikely than their white counterparts to thekindofhaveaccesstoseniorleadersandto change thishave support from their managers. comingyearthatsgoingtomakeaYet few white professionals see whataseriousassessmentoftheirownOnly40%ofallemployeesofall real difference their black colleagues are up against.workplaces and creating a comprehen- races think their companies have effec-A difference that will cause us toSixty-five percent of black professionalssive plan of action," says Fili-Krushel.tive diversity and inclusion programs. live\'above\'theguiltandshameofsay that black employees have to work"WeareespeciallyconcernedaboutBlack full-time professionals are also sin and the things that would destroyharder in order to advance, but onlythelackofawarenesswediscoveredmorelikelythanwhitefull-timepro-usphysically,relationally,andmost16%oftheirwhitecolleaguesagreeamong white professionals. This reportfessionals to say white women are the importantly, spiritually!!!with that statement. Using a wealth ofgives business leaders a path for mov- primary beneficiaries of diversity and quantitative and qualitative data, fea- ing forward." inclusion efforts (29% versus 13%).According to forbes magazine & usturing findings from a national survey,Thestudyfindsthatblackprofes- "Companiesoftenusethephrase newsreports,noteveryoneactuallyBeing Black in Corporate America: Ansionals are more likely than white pro- \'diversetalent\'todescribeunderrep-accomplishestheresolutionstheyIntersectionalExplorationdeliversafessionalstobeambitious,andtheyresentedgroups,buttheyneedto make, however important they are multifaceted analysis, including solu- are more likely to have strong profes- understandthediversitywithintheir According to forbes magazine, onlytions, for creating workplace culturessional networks. Despite these assets,diversity," says Pooja Jain-Link, execu-8% of people achieve their "financialwhereblackemployeescandotheirblack professionals hold only 3.2% oftive vice president at CTI. "Black pro-goals"usnewsreportsthat80%best work and succeed. all executive or senior leadership rolesfessionals have a different experience ofpeoplefailwhenitcomestonew"This report sounds the alarm that,and less than 1% of all Fortune 500intheworkplacethanprofessionals yearsresolutionshavingtodowithdespite many good intentions, compa- CEOpositions.Thereportlaysoutofotherraces.Ifcompanieswantto "their health!" nies are falling short of creating equi- thesystemicracialprejudiceinthetrulyengageandretainblacktalent, How about this:lets do the bib- table workplaces for black employees,"workplacethatunderpinslowrepre- they need to be courageous and design licalthingletsallmakeacom- saysPatFili-Krushel,CEOofCTI.sentation at the top, with the followingtargeted interventions that take these mitment!!!Commitmentismuch"Wehopethatbusinessleaderswillfindings: unique experiences into account. With stronger than a resolution\' to devel- respondtothesefindingsbymakingBlackprofessionalsarenearlyfourthis report, we are calling upon leaders opcommitment,wemustunder- times as likely as white professionalsto think big and start a new movement stand the following truths:tosaytheyhaveexperiencedracialthatreimaginesdiversityandinclu-Commitmentstartsintheprejudiceatwork(58%versus15%).sion in ways that have not been done heart!Regional differences are stark: 79% ofbefore."black professionals in the Midwest sayInaddition,thereportfindsthatCommitmentistestedbyBlack professionalsthey have experienced racial prejudicetalented black professionals are much action!atwork,comparedto66%ofblackmore likely than white professionals toCommitment opens the door forare more likely thanprofessionals in the West, 56% in theplan to opt out of their corporate jobs to accomplishment!South, and 44% in the Northeast. startentrepreneurialventures.BlackCommitmentmovespastthewhite professionals43%ofblackexecutiveshavehadprofessionals who have worked at both mindandemotionsandgoescolleagues use racially insensitive lan- largeandsmallcompaniesarealso more likely to find an environment of straight to the will!whenyourto be ambitious,guage in their presence. trust, respect, and a sense of belongingCommitmentresultsNearly 1 in 5 (19%) black profession- at small companies, compared to large mind and emotions and will moveand are more likelyalsfeelthatsomeoneoftheirrace/ companies. Corporations that wish to forward,nomatterwhattheethnicitywouldneverachieveatopretain black professionals should offer cost!!to have strongposition at their companies, comparedthe same. In addition, the report deliv-to only 3% of white professionals whoers a roadmap that calls upon leaders Wecannotexpectotherpeopletofeel this way. to audit their workplaces, and to cre-make commitments deeper than theprofessionalBlack women are less likely to haveateconversationsthatawakenwhite ones \'we\' make!!!employees to the workplace prejudice No more resolutions this new year:networks. access to the same support and advo- that their black colleagues face.cacyaswhitewomen.Forinstance, Only true commitments!!! 35% of white women have individuals"Studyafterstudyhasshownthat in their networks who have advocatedblack executives perform as well as or for their ideas and skills, compared tobetterthanotherexecutivesbutare 19% of black women.notadvancedtothehighestlevels," "Wecanonlycreatechangeandsays Skip Spriggs, president and CEO impact when we fully understand howof The Executive Leadership Council, systemicprejudiceandmicro-aggres- a research partner on the report. "The sionsplayoutinourworkplaces,"roadmapofferedbyCTIasaresult saysJuliaTaylorKennedy,executiveof this study could make a difference vice president at CTI. "Right now, it\'sbecauseitisrootedinintentional, alose-losesituation.Companiesareresults-orientedactionsdesignedto missing out on amazing talent at theaffect measurable, positive change."topoftheirorganizations,andblackMethodology:Thenationalsurvey professionals are not given the oppor- wasconductedonlineandoverthe tunity to fulfill their aspirations. ThisphoneinJune2019among3,736 report delivers the facts and, in doingrespondents (1,398 men, 2,317 women, so, will spur conversations that moveand 21 who identify as something else; companies, and society, forward."Continued on Page 15BODY OF CHRIST NEWS JANUARY 2020 11'