b'HEALTHWhen to See A DoctorHealthesick,cleansethelepers,tor,dentist,eyedoctor(ophthalmolo- Emergency room visit is needed.raise the dead, cast out devils: freely yegist). You may need to see a primaryExacerbation of a chronic lung con-have received, freely give. care doctor or gynecologist for femaledition,severeincreaseinbloodglu- Matthew 10:8healthissuesThesemedicalprofes- cose readings with symptoms of weak-sionalscanreferyouasneededtoness or rapid breathing. Use of chemo-By Byron E. Conner, M.D. other health care specialists for moretherapy drugs and acute illness.focusedorspecializedcare.Weare fortunatethatthereareanumberSigns of a stroke with weakness on T herecomesatimeforallofusandtypeofheathcareprofession- one side of the body or persistent pain sooner or later when we have to seeals in our country. In addition whenon one side in the arm or chest as in a a physician. We will see a doctor as aissues are urgent, health professionalsheart attack. It is difficult to describe routine task or we may go as a mat- are trained and have experience deal- every situation needing emergent care. ter of necessity as we have an acuteingwithurgentissues.Inaddition,Donothesitatetocallaphysician need to seek assistance. Let me sharewe have physicians able to deal withif you think this is needed. If you or with you some reasons why we needurgent situations. At times relative tosomeone in your family thinks urgent to seek medical attention as this maya patients age group, there are thosecare is needed then call for assistance. help in making a correct decision. Wewho may have special needs such asAttimesaphonecallisallthatis may have to see a doctor for one of thetheelderlyorinfantsorveryyoungneeded and later care is possible.reasons as outlined below.patients. Patients with heart disorders,At times it may be necessary to call lung diseases or diabetes need specialyour doctor and this may not require ROUTINE VISIT: care as well as ill very young patients. anemergencyroomvisitorcalling Because of a chronic or routine con- 911. It is difficult to describe every sit-dition,medicalcaremaybeneeded.VISITS FOR AN ACUTE ISSUE: uation that might arise that requiresDr. Conner Thus it may be necessary to see a doc- At times when acute issues arises anER care. Rapid or galloping heartbeats (pal-SOMEREASONSTOCALLApitations)DOCTOR-SOMENEEDANEROR Black or bloody stoolsOFFICE VISITAt times it may be necessary to call Neworworsenedshortnessof Sudden stopping of periodsbreath with exertionPersistentorsevereabdominal your doctor and this may not require an Dizziness or an about to faint feel- pain thatispainful,involves ingArash emergency room visit or calling 911. It is Severeheadachethatpeaksinswelling, or oozesIfyouhavenewchangesinyour intensity within secondsdifficult to describe every situation that Unexplained weight loss body with discomfort or new signs or symptomsdiscussthesewithyour might arise that requires ER care.Seizures medical provider.NumbnessorweaknessinarmsMay God bless you and give you good legs or face health.BURNING . continued from page 4 Where the Bible Speaksthe mess? Who\'s going to clean up the mess in WashingtonThe argument, pro or con, around gambling and within the four walls of most churches? By Rev. Reginald Holmes cannot and should not be rooted in the Bible. We The Lord, through His original apostles, clearly lays downcan nullify and refute each others claims about aprioritized,balancedplanforendtimeGodlyChristian living and thinking. His plan is real simple to follow. WhatI twasThomasCampbell,oneoftheearlygambling or non-gambling using the Bible and is this priority and what is this life? God wants to bless allAmericanProtestantreformerswhosaid,nothing will ever get settled. We will only ride who truly love Him. He wants Christians to live a long lifeWhere the Bible speaks, we speak. Where thethehamsterwheelgoingaroundandaround here on this earth. However, those who truly love Him willBible is silent we are silent. As a general rule Ibut never getting anywhere. The issue of gam-be READY to leave it ALL behind in a moments notice just todo not use the Bible to validate opinions that arebling, or not, has been resolved years ago. People be with their Lord! While laying down a foundation for Godlyclearlyopentointerpretation.gamble in every city and village Christian ministry and evangelism, God\'s truly anointed willThe Bible was never intended toin this country. People gambled notbefeedingthelostwithfalseHope\'s.Theywillteachbeusedasabatteringramforin biblical days. In fact, we are about God\'s plan for Godly Christian living, taking a strongsubjective opinions that demandtoldthesoldierswhocrucified standagainstGREED,pride,sexualimmorality,idolatry,objective reasoning. Jesus gambled for his robe while false teaching and worldly thinking, along with understand- Ones use of the Bible as thehe hung and died on the cross.ing the will of the Father, love, forgiveness, gentleness, joySOLEauthorityfordailydeci- Again, it is so fruitless to argue and peace. Instilling the true FEAR of the Lord! At the samesions and thought is simply irre- mootpoints.Peoplegamble.In time,ChristiansneedtoSTAYALERT,andtokeeptheirsponsible. All of the great theo- someplacesitislegal.Case lamps burning! Sustaining their Christian walk by observinglogianslayclaimtoscripturalclosed. Lets, as Christians, move the signs of the times without freaking out, and to remainauthority, but they also encour- on. Next?readytomeetourLordintheair!"Thevirginswhowereage the use of our EXPERIENCEIamanavidoutdoorsman.I READY went in with him to the wedding feast and the doorand REASON. As Christians welove to hunt. I am a responsible was shut" (Matt 25:1-15). The virgins who were not readyare allowed to think (reason) andoutdoorsman. I believe we are all were LEFT BEHIND! act (experience) in ways outsidecharged to take care of this beau-Remember, our Lord has been gone for 2000 years buildingoftheancientBiblicalTexts.tiful space we live in. If gambling you your new home! Everyday, handcrafting and laying eachThat is requirement for spiritualReginald Holmes revenuesareusedtofacilitate stone to perfection. Christian\'s are supposed to be EXCITEDgrowth.Itisbothhealthyandour stewardship of Gods earth, ABOUT IT!!!!!!! If you are not excited about the Soon Comingholy and encouraged by Scripture. Jesus saidthen it is really beneath me to reject the intent of our Lord, your lamp is burning out (Matt 25:1-13)! "But ifinMark12:30:LovetheLordyourGodwithof those resources, even if I disagree with the you do not wake up/be watchful, I will come like a thief andall your heart and with all your soul and withorigin. The use of the funds far outweigh any you will not know at what time/hour I will come to you" (Revall your mind and with all your strength. Weso called moral argument about the immoral 3:1-3NIV-KJV). are free to love God with our whole selves, butsourcefromwhichtheycame.Themature I especially love it when Jesus said to use yourChristian mind would never make a moral argu-Warnings come forth from Matthew all the way through themind to love and understand God.ment for the destruction or neglect of the earth, Book of Revelation! Why?The ballot initiative DD that is currently upnor would any mature believer be against the "Later the others (virgins) also came. \'Sir! Sir! they said,for a vote is one of those initiatives that requiremaintenance of Gods earth. That is nonsensical Open the door for us! But He replied \'I tell you the truth, Itheuseofyourmind,ifyouhappentobeaand works against our better interests as care-don\'t know you. Therefore keep WATCH"(Matt 25:1-13 NIV- Christian voting on this measure. Caution: Notakers of Gods creation. 84). onewilldieforvotingtoprotectourpreciousI plan to support, wholeheartedly, Proposition Did you happen to notice that the foolish virgins not onlyenvironment that God has entrusted us to careDD because I believe God supports it!thoughtthattheyknewtheLord,butthattheyalsohadfor. The first assignment given to humanity wasThe wealth of the wicked is laid up for the enough Biblical knowledge to realize that there is a door thatto care for Gods earth. To quote the words of arighteous (Proverbs 12:22).and believers ought needs to be opened? What went wrong? LEFT BEHIND! great American, Malcolm X, God has called usto be willing to receive it by any means neces-Until next time, Jesus is coming soon! Are you going to betotakecareofGodscreationbyanymeanssary!ready necessary6 NOVEMBER 2019 BOCNEWS.com'