b'SCRIPTUREA Word From Lord for His ChurchBy Al R. Combs responsible for what you thought, BUTof the way, turn aside from the path, IwillstandbyMYWORD!IsaiahCause the Holy One of Israel to cease 55:10-11 Then said the Lord to me,from before us. - I suppose the reli-B eloved,andlongedfor,Ifeelyou have seen well, for I am alert andgious leaders got the message from the directedofmyLORDtopres- active, WATCHING over My WORD tocongregates:Theprophetsprophesy ent an article as A WORD from thePERFORM it. ~ Jeremiah 1:12 Falsely, and the priests rule by their LORD for His CHURCH. This is whyAgain,myBeloved,Godbroughtown power; and My people love to have I will not do a lot of speaking/talkingtomyattentionthatHehasspecificit so. Jeremiah 5:31 - And to the but allow the LORD to speak/talk toIssues/Concerns about His Body, theangel[pastor/shepherd/overseer]of us from the Holy Scriptures.For: AllChurch.Too often/many times we arethe CHURCH of the Laodiceans write, Scripture is given by INSPIRATION ofabout ourselves, how is this going toIknowyourworks,thatyouare God, and is profitable for DOCTRINE,makeMElook/how/whatpeopleareneither cold nor hot.Because you forREPROOF,forCORRECTION,forgoing to see/say about ME.Insteadsay, I am rich, have become wealthy, INSTRUCTIONinRIGHTEOUSNESS,of being MORE CONCERN about howandhaveneedofnothinganddo IITimothy3:16-17"Inspiration"ouractionsareaffectinghowpeoplenot know that you are wretched, mis-intheGreekmeansGodBreathe.SEE HIM/JESUS! erable,poor,blind,andnaked Therefore, my assignment is to simplyBehold, I stand at the door and knock. be a conveyor/channel of the BreathLet us hear further what the LORDIf anyone HEARS My voice and opens ofmyLORD.Formanyyearsnow,hastosay:ICorinthians2:13-14;the door, I will come into him and dine the LORD has brought to my attentionThesethingswealsospeak,notinwith him, and he with Me. Revelation thatHesNOTSOWELLPLEASEDAl R. Combs wordswhichmanswisdomteaches3:14-20with much of what is going on in HISbutwhichtheHolySpiritteaches, BODYthe CHURCH.Far too oftencomparing spiritual things with spiri- CONCLUSION:its NOT about Him, but about US! GodSaid,AndTRYMenowintual.ButthenaturalmandoesnotLetusHEARtheCONCLUSION In my conversations with my LORD,this,[proveMeoldKJV]Saysthereceive the things of the Spirit of God,ofthewholematter:FEARGodand I have stated many times that I under- Lordofhosts,IfIwillnotopenforfortheyarefoolishnesstohim;norKEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, for this standwhywe,inthenatural,areyou the windows of heaven and pourcan he know them, because they areis mans all.For God WILL bring every drivenbythephilosophySeeingisout for you such blessings that therespirituallydiscerned.-Isaiah30:9- workintojudgment,Includingevery Believing. However, He says through- will not be room enough to receive it.11;Thatthisisarebelliouspeople,secretthing,Whethergoodorevil. out Scripture that for His: BelievingMalachi 3:10 Were to Honor/RespectLying children, Children who will notEcclesiastes 12:13-14 - Whoever has isSeeing,completely/totallyoppo- God,yetHeinvitesustoaskHimhear the law of the Lord; Who say toEARS, let them HEAR what the Spirit site!ThisiswhyGodsaysinbothAnything!!! theseers,Donotsee,andtothesays to the churches." Rev 3:22OldandNewTestaments:HabakkukOverthesemanyyears,[saved48prophets, Do not prophesy to us right 2:4; Behold the proud, his soul is notyears,pastoring39years]theLORDthings;SpeaktousSmooththings,AGAPE YOU!upright in him; but the just shall livebrought/bringstomyattentionthatProphesy Deceits [tell us lies].Get out by his FAITH.And, Hebrews 10:38;far too many of His People have been/NowthejustshallLIVEBYFAITH;are yet being destroyed for the Lack Butifanyonedrawsback,mysoulof knowledge. Hearing that statement has no pleasure in him. And, Romansbeingmentionedinsomesermons 10:17;SothenFAITHCOMES40plusyearsago,Iremembersit- Again, my Beloved, God brought to my BY HEARING, and HEARING BY THEting in the pew.??? I had a question, WORD OF GOD. To have Biblical/God??? Gods people being destroyed??? Honoring FAITH, someone has to TellThentheLORDdirectedmetotheattention that He has specific issues and us what God says, we have to Hear, wepassageofScripture:Mypeopleare have to Believe what we Heard, thendestroyed for lack of knowledge. YOUconcerns about His Body, the Church.Too wemustActonwhatweHeardandHAVEREJECTEDKNOWLEDGE, Believed!!! Hosea4:6Folks,KNOWLEDGEisoften we think just about ourselves. How is Iremember,duringtheformativeavailable for the People of God, and years of my church experience, I wasfor the whole of this world as well!Thisthis going to make ME look? what people told:DontyoudareQuestionGod!is one reason Paul encourages his pro-I asked the LORD, who made/is mak- tgTimothy:Studytoshewthyselfare going to say about ME? ing me who I am and said, LORD, IapproveduntoGod,aworkmanthat just want to Know.I remember theneeds not to be ashamed, rightly divid-LORD indicated to me, you can asking the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15 meAnything!Asamatteroffact,God brought to my attention, Im NOT BODY OF CHRIST NEWS SEPTEMBER 2019 15'