b'COMMUNITYIdentityBy Randy Craven, LPC, CAC III and a standard by which to reason with evidence andunnatural.Evenifyoueatit,itsnotafood,it logic. Statements such as, thats my Truth estab- belongsinthemedicinecategoryandnobodyis lishes no basis for reasoning with reality but furthergoing to take any medicine regularly without having I dentity should be the foundational policy or prin- praises the individuals self-appointed authority asnegative or unnatural side effects. Even small dos-ciple idea that governs how an individual does life.an authority of what?The capacity to distinguishages of marijuana will produce side effects. The point When you know who you are at the foundation leveltruthandfalsehoodisintensifyingasadecliningis, reality does exists and false ideas will hurt you. your choices in life become much easier. But beforeskill and so its no wonder why people are acting inHuman beings have a tendency to deny or rational-we get into how to make life easier, lets talk aboutways disconnected from realityize the side effects because we what it means to form identity as a foundation orbecausetruthisnowvalidat- hear what we want to hear and even what having an identity as a basis for life reallyedifself-authorized?Then,do what we feel like doing. We means.when you give people feedbackjustify our ego. FoundationisthelevelthatsbuiltuponsoitsontheirideastheyhavetheFalseidentityisthemain structure must be formed with the strongest materi- right to be offended if you denyproblem.Whatdoweidentify al possible. When we talk about self-identity as a lifetheirtruthasvalid.Doesntwith as an image or idea of our-policy or a life guiding principle were talking aboutthisindividualizedtruthvali- selvesthatprovidestheguid-it being formed by the strongest structural materialdationgivecredencetomassingprinciples,policies,rules, possible which is Truth. But, most people fail to seemurdersanddomesticterror- laws, etc. that end up structur-the value in Truth these days because Truth is seenists who believe in the validityingourlifestyle.Peoplewho as a subjective or personal value and not an absoluteof their own misanthropy? Butsee themselves as D-boys and reality. People ask questions like; whos Truth?its hard to argue against suchpimps will accept as valid the Or they make statements like;thats your Truthcauses when the premise of theimagesandideasthatreflect but that doesnt make It True. And so, the value ofargument is I am the authoritythese lifestyles. Thus, your life-truth has become doubtful and in many cases depre- ofmyownbutyourenotthestylebecomesareflectionof ciated because its being equated with the weight ofauthority of yours. Trust me,these guiding archetypes. opinions.Iveheardthecounterargu- But,whatIvealwaysbeen Truth is losing its value because the professorate,ments;well, theres no truthtold is dont point out a prob-the academy, the psychologists, the media, the poli- whenpeopledoharmtooth- lem unless you have a solution ticians, etc. have not been able to sufficiently defineers.Howdoyouknowthatto replace it with. So, what I like or defend the Truth as an objective reality and asserving as your own authorityRandy Craven intermsofidentityformation aresultpeoplestrugglewithwhatcanreallybedoes no harm? Isnt justifyingas a rites of passage is a local known. So, if its true, that nothing can be knownselfasthemakerofTruthprogramcalledBoys2Men, objectively,itsnowonderwhyitsbecomingevercausingotherstoacceptthesamepracticewhichheaded by KC Crowley and his family organization. more complicated to distinguish right from wrong-leadstothedangerousactofplacingouregoonTheyworkwithpredominantlyadolescentAfrican i.e.dogsinrestaurants,meatbaseddiets,genderthe thrown? Identity is a fundamental position notAmerican males who come to them with the typical diffusion, sugar as the cause of diabetes, gentrifica- structured by ego and emotionalism but by claritymyriad of challenges common to our Black youth. tion, race science, etc. And so, the culturally popularand purpose. When you know who you are, you dontTheycultivate theideological identity asthatof a answer for all this confusion is live YOUR truth.need to prove your own value because truth is self- king. This is an important self-development step at evident. You live truth because it serves the standardthe foundational level because there are a lot of com-But, isnt there is a problem with the nature ofthat represents right over wrong. peting interests for the ideas and images that Black this ideology? Since when did human beings get toYet, discourse with religious circles is often timesmales are faced with that seek to install toxic agen-establish what Truth is? Isnt this the reason forchallenging because there exists this general under- das of impotency, exploitation and self-destruction. the fall of mankind in the first place where WE got tocurrent of disdain for science given that faith sys- This program understands the sociological adversity determine from our own understanding which treetems have a tendency to promote the two disciplineswith this challenge and has institutionalized an anti-to eat fruit from? Where WE got to determine whatsas opposed to one another. Fact is, Truth weatherdotetocounteractthemanyformsofBlackmale good for us and whats not In the words of philoso- claimed by faith or science is dependent on evidencegenocide by false identity structuring. We all know phy professor Douglas Groothuis, Truth decay hasthat is knowable and discoverable. Watching the sunthe side effects of such agendas; mass incarceration, ramifications.rise in the east and set in the west it is a validatedtrappings of hip hop culture, school-to-prison pipe-What is Truth? truth claim; knowing this reality can begin with faithline, N-word as a valid self, drug & alcohol addiction, In his book, Truth Decay, Groothuis identifies fourbut knowing or using science which means to knowviolence, etc. areas that provide biblical components of Truth. 1)is the ultimate goal.The truth is, were all born in the image and like-Truth is not a human creation, we have the abilityRestoring scientific value in life philosophy is criti- ness of God and a king is the positional lifestyle that to discover it but not create It. 2) Truth as a formcal for our sociological development and the individ- the realization of our divinity requires for our des-of objective reality is discoverable and knowable. 3)uals capacity to identify with objective reality. Truthtiny. I can appreciate any and all attempts for the Truth is not relative, shifting or revisable. The formand facts matter and they are knowable and verifi- cultural restoration of our young men and women and function of truth does not change based on timeable if we engage disciplinary reform through natureto see themselves as a condition of their potential or social constructs like language- e.g. two (2) plusand science. For example, the fundamental unit ofnot their failures. King and queen is the title of their two (2) will always equal four (4) as it is eternallylife is the atom. There are patterns in the atom thatcapacity to conquer all challenges and this identity unified.4)TruthisuniversalinthesensethatitwecancallTruebecausetheyareknowableoris historically factual, spiritually accurate and socio-matchesrealityeverywhere.Andyes,gravitydoesverifiable. Atoms are composed of positively chargedlogically necessary. exist in space otherwise what would hold the moonparticlesnamedprotons,neutralparticlescalledWe need kings and queens to takes responsibility in orbit around the earth?neuronsandtogetherthesetwoparticlesoccupyfor the form and function of the social order in our Science, when not politicized, is one of our best toolthe center of the atom called the nucleus. Swirlingenvironments. But a balanced social order cannot be for knowing truth given that humans are ever morearound the nucleus are negatively charged particlespossible unless it is structured by law. In this case, in need of the capacity to verify truth claims. Givennamed electrons.Im not talking about man-made law but universal the sociological interference driving the suspicious- The configuration of these electrons is structuredlaw. The rules and principles that govern how adults ness of science, truth value islosingitspositionsuch that they swirl around the nucleus in differentand our young people do life is in desperate need of orbits called shells. The first shell holds a maximumTruth as the guiding principles. So, who better than of 2 electrons, the second 8, the third 18, and thethe peers within the relational rank to lead the effort fourth 32. This pattern is not random its very struc- by example. We need kings who are responsible for tured thus (1) squared equals (1) times (2) equalsthe will to institute and reinforce the integrity of the (2), (2) squared equals (4) times (2) equals (8), etc. To When we as human beingsthis end, the structure of an atom is composed of afoundational structure by their practice and imple-fundamental pattern that will never change no mat- mentation of said rules. And, we need queens who create ideas that dontter the dimension or period of time. The same pat- are responsible for the power to achieve said rules tern exists in the structure of elements (consult thethroughherendowmentofunlimitedpowerand inspiration.correspond or agree withperiodic table of elements) where (2) atoms form theWhenyouknowwhoyouare,thechoicetodo first molecule of elements hydrogen and helium. And reality they will eventuallythen, (8) atoms form the next molecule of elementselectronics and smoke weed or study is less com-oxygen,carbon,etc.Thesepatternsdontchangeplicated because kings & queens have to live, lead and institutionalize truth. If failure is not an option, cause disruption, chaos, orand therefore constitute objective reality timelesslythenhowwerespondtochallengesinlifemust and everywhere.reflectourdivineidentitywhichisconstitutedat harm. When we as human beings create ideas that dontthe highest level not or humanity which is consti-correspondoragreewithrealitytheywilleventu- tuted at our lowest level. Cultivate and develop your ally cause disruption, chaos, or harm, etc. Smokingdivine nature, if not for yourself, do it for the culture weed,forexample,isnotanecessaryornaturalbecause thats what kings and queens dofunctionforoursurvival.Smokeinthelungsis 12 SEPTEMBER 2019 BOCNEWS.com'