b'HEALTHFirst Aid for the SoulBy Marjorie B. Lewis, Ph.D., D. Min. purpose of this first topic is to motivate us to care forheartbrokenatthisperspectivealso.Eventhough our temples in an effort to optimize the quality of ourwecontentwithGod,weareatourbestbecause timehereonearth.Considerweareconnected.Realize,if G reetings Denver: It is such a privilege to sharethe following scriptures. MyI am not connected, I can not insights with you through this venue. I am hon- 3ThentheLORDsaid,be in contention. Disconnection estly grateful for this opportunity. As promised weSpiritwillnotcontendwith[a]allowsforseparation.WhenI are going to begin sharing from our initiative coordi- humansforever,fortheyaream separated, there is no nating Faith Based Mental Health Services. The titlemortal[b];theirdayswillbeIntheBookofPsalms,we of this initiative is First Aid for the Soul. I am certainahundredandtwentyyears.are hearing from one of Gods you have seen books featuring devotional messages(Genesis 6:3) heroes. Solomon. He is sharing with this titleThat is why we have distinguisheda perspective from a man (him-our work through my upcoming book entitled FIRSTSeventyyearsaregiventoself) who is in a most negative AIDFORTHESOUL:Resilience,Rehabilitation,us!Someevenlivetoeighty.of states. He says that at our Recovery. It is a three-volume series informed by ourButeventhebestyearsarebest we are filled with pain and work and training in Neurolinguistic Programming,filledwithpainandtrouble;trouble.Itremindsmeofthe Mental Health First Aid, and Addiction Counseling/ soon they disappear, and we flysaying.Lifeissohardand Therapy. away. (Psalm 90:10) then you die. It is so important We started out with the title, Through the FireWhileIhaveheardmanyto realize that life is not about However, after far too many assumptions that thisindividualsshareregardingcontentionasmuchasitis title was a prelude to a story of my personal trialsPsalm 90:10, I have yet to hearabout peace. Perhaps when we and tribulations in life, I realized it was the WRONGasermonregardingGenesisare lacking peace, we leave the TITLE. Please know that I, like the rest of us, have6:3.Iwonderwhythatistheearthearly.Iknowthatfrom processedthrougheventsthatweredesirableandcase? Oh well, I guess it reallyMarjorie B. Lewis ametaphysicalperspective, undesirable. However, I believe my time may be bet- does not matter why. It is therewe are warned not to make a ter spent sharing insights based on my professionalin black and white and meritsmove without being connected training. While we all have life stories, they pale rela- exploration.so lets break that tradition right hereto Godnot to make a move outside of peace, joy, tive to our manifesting what we are called to do and now. Lets look at the context of each of thesecontentment. We are warned that anxiety blocks so the gift we are supposed to give, the legacy we arescriptures, who is speaking and what is being said. Imany opportunities in life, including longevity. to share.do not think this will take very long at all. TheBookofGenesissharesanedictofGod. Therefore, this series, featuring excerpts from theInthebookofGenesis(Genesis6:3)weunder- The Book od Psalms shares a perspective of a very bookrepresentsinsightsreconcilingbody,mindstandthistobeGodspeakingdirectlythroughdepressed and discouraged man. Which interpreta-and spirit as a contribution to who we become asMoses,aspartoftheTorah.ItisaftertheGreattion will you choose? I choose God.SpiritualBeingsexperiencinghumanityforjustaFlood and God sees humankind as so contentiousUntil next monthTake care.little while.that God refers to the relationship with humankind Lets start by exploring the reality of our humanas contending. I would say this is the lowest perspec-experience, by referencing scripture regarding howtive of humankind held by God. The thought of GodMarjorie B Lewis can be contacted at: long we can expect to engage in the experience. Thecontending with me breaks my heart. Does it do themblewisenterprises@gmail.comsame for you? In any event, I would think God is WANTED:ASSISTANT MINISTER OF MUSICAssistant to current Minister of Music. Looking for a Dedicated Christian Keyboardist (Keyboard, Organ & Piano). Comfortable with Traditional, Contemporary, Gospel Hymns.Call: 303-322-5983 (Church Office M-F, 9AM-2PM) SHILOH MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 3301 LEYDEN ST, DENVER 802078 AUGUST 2019 BOCNEWS.com'