19 MAY 2018 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS Bodyof Christ News MAY 2018 VOLUME 29, ISSUE 9 BY THE WILL OF I AM THAT I AM — Exodus 3:14 COMPLIMENTARY bocnews.com COLORADO SPRINGS & PUEBLO: PM WYNN FOR AD INFO – PMWYNN9@MSN.COM COLORADO SPRINGS Righteous Anger Iwrote this article after Freddie Gray was gunned down. Since then nothing has changed except more killings. Lately, we all have been overwhelmed with yet more news on still more unjust killings such as police killing unarmed Black males, school shootings are at an all time high. To know there are some people so sick they are repeating the history of killing people in the church during church ser- vices. Constant corruption from the highest levels of government, (White House) to top fortune 500 Companies and even in the church, yes, it shouldn't be in the church but it is. Last year two Black males were found in New York (in the park) and the other in Atlanta (in the park) hanging from a tree. Both cases was ruled suicide. It's hard to believe that Black men would hang themselves publicly in a park, when hanging played a big role during slavery. This is called righteous anger. If left unchecked, anger can destroy not only the person experiencing it, but also everyone in its path. However, not all anger is bad. We are given some latitude in the Word of God: Ephesians 4:26 tells us to. ”be angry, and yet do not sin.” When is anger a good and righteous emotion? Here’s a few examples; Senseless killings like Freddie Gray and twelve other African American males all killed and they were not armed with any weapons. All thirteen cases of dead unarmed African American males, not one police was found guilty, not one. A more recent righ- teous anger would be what's hap- pening in Michigan with unclean water for years and the government did nothing and still haven't com- pletely solved the problem. Yet, the governor announced last week “no more FREE clean bottle water…. People need to get over it he said.” But I am sinning because of my anger when I fail to effectively han- dle that anger in a spiritual, biblical way. To not give in to anger and sin, I must allow myself to be guided and controlled by the Holy Spirit and by the law of love, for love “is not easily provoked’ (1 Cor. 13:5). I must maintain an active and working knowledge of the Word of God – I must hide the Word in my heart that I might not sin against God. (read Psalm 119: 11.) Anger that is controlled by a sense of righteousness will never seek to hurt or destroy another, and the expression of that anger will not be made in an ungodly manner. If I walk in the Spirit, anger at the manifestation of the work of the enemy will cause me to pray rather than to gossip, to intercede rather than to judge and condemn. Anger expressed righteously will cause me to be angry at sin, yet love the sin- ner and desire his salvation. While there are permissible reasons for and expression of anger, the vast majority of the anger we experience Continued on Page 20 By Dr. PM Wynn Grove