6 BOCNEWS.com APRIL 2018 bocnews.com is about passing a test. The reason God asks you for things that you love is because He's trying to find out where your heart is. He's trying to find out how much you love Him. The reason God is letting me go through certain things today is because He's preparing me for something greater. It’s the hot water that is preparing you for your future. You may be in some hot water today. But it’s going to release some good things in you. When God is working in your life, you will be more loving than ever before. You will be more forgiving than ever before. You will be more like Jesus than ever before. So don't get mad at God because you're going through some hot water right now. God has to find out how much He can trust you. You have to be tested with a little bit of money before He brings you more. Remember that God promotes faithful people. The enemy's plan is for us to blame God because of our tests. His plan is to put pressure on us so we throw in the towel. But don’t forget that diamonds are created under pressure. The reason that people are talking about you behind your back is because it's part of your test. Maybe someone has hurt you or stabbed you in the back. Your test is about forgiving people that don't deserve it. If you're still walking around with an attitude, then you’ve failed the test and you have to take it over. Jesus hung on a cross and He prayed, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” Sometimes we have to forgive people that are our enemies. If you are still bitter towards your parents, you have to retake the test. If you’re still hateful towards a group or race of people, then you have to retake the test. In every test you will either get bitter or you will get better. As long as you’re still bitter towards your boss, you have to keep taking the same test over and over. So, if you're tired of going in circles, you have to pass the test that you’re in today. Peter said, “Don't be surprised at the fiery ordeals that have come upon you. It's all about the testing of your faith.” The tests come in order to find out if you’re ready to go to the next level. Don't you dare say, "Oh God, use me for Your glory," unless you’re willing to be tested. That’s why you have to get back into church. God commanded us to assemble together more and more in these last days. It’s a test. None of us like to go through the fire, but it's part of our faith walk. None of us like to be tested, but it's part of God squeezing things out of us that needs to come out. So don't panic because you're going through something today. It’s all part of your test. The story of Job is one of great testing. He lost everything in one day. In chapter one of Job he prayed. But God didn’t answer him until chapter 38. The point is that when you pray and God is silent, you still have to walk by faith and not by sight. You cannot talk about tests without mentioning Abraham. He was a Gentile that was born in a land of idol worship- pers. But he had so much faith in God that God changed his name from Abram to Abraham. God is in the process of chang- ing your name. He’s in the process of making all things new. Before Abraham could be known as the father of our faith, he had to be tested. Abraham said to his boys, "You stay here, while Isaac and I go to yonder mountain and worship." Abraham and Isaac went up that mountain to be tested. We are all being tested pertaining to tithing. We are all tested in the area of faithfulness. So they went to the mountain to give God a sacri- fice. Let me say that true faith will always cost you something. True faith will always be tested. But when we pass the test, His promises come to pass. After these things, the blessings of God will come your way. The reason you’re struggling today, is because it's hard for you to give up the thing you love. But if you'll say, "Lord, not my will but your will be done," the struggle will be over. So Abraham was tested as he raised his knife to sacrifice the thing he loved most. What is God ask- ing you to give up today? Make no mistake; God doesn't want what you have. But He does want to know if you’ll sacrifice for Him. Is the person you’re dating God's will for you? I know you have a career all picked out. But is it God's will? Are you willing to put your Isaac on the altar? Are you willing to say “Not my will but your will be done.” God said to Abraham, "I just wanted to find out if you would sacrifice for Me, even if My will hurts you. I wanted to find out if you would keep on serving me even when I’m silent. I just wanted to find out if you would continue coming to church when nothing seems to be working out in your life." God never intended for Abraham to kill his son. God had already provided a ram in the thicket. Maybe staying awake at night and worrying over your situation. What you don't know is that God has your miracle all tied up and it can't get away. The enemy is bringing a lot of pressure against you because he's trying to get you to go back to the clubs. He’s trying to get you to go back to drugs. He’s trying to get you to go back to drinking. That’s why you must pass this test. I’ve been through some tests myself. But I’m still here. God took my mess and gave me a message. Your storm is a sign that God is taking you to a higher level. Your miracle is all tied up and it can’t get away. It's in the times of testing that you must believe that He’s working everything out. It's in the times of testing that you must believe that He will turn tragedy into triumph. It's in the times of testing that you must believe that He's turning your test into a tes- timony. You know you're passing the faith test when you're going through hell and high water, but you continue coming to church anyhow. You know you're passing the faith test when you’ve been hurt but you keep on forgiving. Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, but his delight is in the law of the Lord. He shall be like a tree that is planted by the rivers of water. I may be tested today, but my roots go down deep. It’s only a matter of time until He brings me out. Whatever you do, don't throw away your confi- dence, which has a great reward. After you've done the will of God, your breakthrough will come. After the test comes God’s promise. After the test comes the testimony. Whatever you do, don’t quit. Hold on just a little while longer. The test is almost over, and that's why you have to be too legit to quit. After these things, you’re going to receive what He promised. Those who wait upon the Lord… I may be stretched, but I will pass this test. I may be pushed out of my comfort zone, but I will pass this test. I may be passing through some hot water, but I will pass this test. Folk may be bracing them- selves against me, but I will pass this test. I will trust in the Lord with all my heart. Dennis Leonard is the Senior Pastor of Heritage Christian Center. 14401 E. Exposition Avenue, Aurora CO 80012 www. HeritageChristianCenter.com Dennis Leonard SERMON By Pastor Dennis Leonard I Will Pass This Test continued from cover The reason you’re struggling today, is because it's hard for you to give up the thing you love.