22 BOCNEWS.com NOVEMBER 2017 God get your child off drugs. Watch God help you in your finances. Watch God bring healing into your marriage. Are you playing house or building a home? Men, you need to be the priest of your house. You need to be taking authority over the devil so you can devil proof it yourself. Every man needs to be praying with his wife and children. Every man needs to use his authority in the spirit and be a Joshua man. "As for me and my house…" Men, you need to be leading your family by example. Instead of send- ing them to church, you need to be taking them to church. You need to be reading your children Bible stories everyday. We must be careful of the things we say to each other because death and life are in the power of the tongue. Stop telling your children that they'll never amount to anything. Stop telling your husband that he's not good. You can devil proof your house by speaking life to those in it. You can bring healing into people's lives by build- ing them up with encouraging words. Dennis Leonard is the senior pastor of Heritage Christian Center located at 14401 E. Exposition Avenue, Aurora CO. www.HeritageChristianCenter.com rights, etc.” In other words, religious worship is about sacrifice and devo- tion. b) Deity. A deity is an entity (person, place or thing) that has been given the rank, status or position of God or a god. We covered this above noting that “We the People” have replaced the authority of God with American indi- vidualism, the Flag, the Anthem, the Constitutions, the Bill of Rights, etc. Our own authority has been institu- tionalized and these idols have estab- lished our right to reject Gods’ author- ity. E.g. slavery, Jim Crow, police bru- tality, mass incarceration, individual- ism, etc. Here, I can’t help but invoke the NFL controversy concerning the flag and the anthem to illuminate the point that I am making about how we get caught- up in offering our souls to the wrong source of authority. Think about it… Spiritual people are not supposed to be participating in any form of idolatry. When you look at it, it’s really an act of placing symbol over substance. Kaepernick and the other players are practicing a form of peaceful protest to bring attention to widespread injustices that to this point have been systemically ignored. The goal is about achieving the real- ity that the symbol represents not just devotion to the symbol. What’s more important, symbolic equality or real equality? The NFL team owners and their legions seem to just want respect for the symbols but if there is no real- ity of freedom or equality then what are soldiers dying for? Symbolism!? If Kaepernick is not free to peacefully protest then the symbols are meaning- less. GOD vs. The People ... continued from page 14 ENOUGH ... continued from page 11