5 OCTOBER 2017 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS Response to Supt. Demmer Imust admit, reading the article under the community section of the BOC News was at best troubling, and at worst, comical! Allow me to tell you where I sit, before I tell you where I stand! I voted for Trump, not because he was my first choice, but because I absolutely despised Hillary Clinton and all the megalomania, cronyism, corruption, collusion, and dishonesty that she and her husband represented. The more Trump is in office, the more I have come to like him, despite the constant drumbeats of demonization and char- acter assassination. I suspect a very large number of my fellow citizens feel the same way. In the previously referenced article, it was stated that there are reasons to be concerned, since the 2018 mid- term elections are approaching. “Since the election of Donald Trump and retirement of President Barack Obama.” First, President Trump was elected because of the continued pan- dering of the Democrat Party and the pie in the sky view of Bernie Sanders. And Obama did not retire, he was retired! [the constitu- tion and all] The fact that the statement was made that black Americans are not familiar with the constitutional process of electing the President of the United States, speaks to the fact that black folks are either woefully uninformed, and gullibly misled! Then there is the mention of the lack of Democratic Party engagement in our community. The non-partici- pation of democrats in our communi- ties is based solely on the fact, that for 60+ years, democrats have prom- ised a multiplicity of things that were never delivered, and that they have no intention of delivering, ever. We [black Americans] have been bought off, with the enticement of equal outcomes, when in reality; equal opportunity is where we should focus! It is ludicrous to assert that the vio- lence we have seen across the country is the fault of President Trump. That statement in itself is divisive, from the perspective of one that seeks unity. The writer then states that President Trump is rhetorical. The fact that President Trump was anything but rhetorical contributed immensely to his victory. To intimate that sup- porters of the President are the lowest individu- als in the country, is to betray some of the very black people he [the writer] is attempting to persuade. The fact that the peo- ple of America [black and white] made their individual voices heard [problematic for the writer apparently] is to dismiss the very foun- dation upon which our freedoms are found. To equate all supporters of the platform of the Republican party as racist and white supremacist is to disavow the very real fact that the KKK and the Jim Crow mentality were started by and continue to exist as the legacy of the Democrat Party [this is a known historical fact]. The assertion also flies in the face of the fact that many black men and women, as did many ‘ethnic minori- ties’, voted for Trump. Your statements are an affront to the very people that you state you want to reach! To equate all supporters of the platform of the Republican party as racist and white supremacist is to disavow the very real fact that the KKK and the Jim Crow mentality were started by and continue to exist as the legacy of the Democrat Party Continued on Page 8 LETTER TO THE EDITOR By Nathan L. O'Neal, PHD, MBA, CFI, CAC Nathan O'Neal