17 OCTOBER 2017 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS The Numbers Game One of the most controversial topics hitting the main stream church today is the issues con- cerning church growth, or, commonly know as " numbers." "How many are going to your church?" How often have we heard that? Questions: Is a church that is growing in "num- bers" a church that is on the top of God's list of favorites? Should the larger member churches be viewed as being Biblically sound? Is it God who is really increasing the numbers? Is the pastor of a church of 4000 more of a man of God than a pastor of 100? The answer is "Absolutily NOT!" As a matter of fact, scripture teaches that mega church's are not only guilty of compromising the truth for the sake of dishonest gain and to pack out the crowds, they are the ones who are getting fur- ther off track with Biblical reality, teaching worldly wealth instead of heavenly riches. Every where in scripture where the early New Testament churches started to grow in numbers, greed, compromise and doctrinal error crept in (1Tim 6:3-15, Thess 2:3-5). There is absolutily no where in scripture that indi- cates that an increase of church membership is a sign of God's approval on one's ministry. According to the Word, God teaches that the love of money will be the main motivator for compromise in these last days. Front cover of Time Magazine a few years back. "Does God want you to be rich? Yes say some mega churches. Others call it heresy." When the early church started to grow in num- bers (Acts 2:41,4:4), God allowed it to be scattered (Acts 8:4). Why? After they re-established and they started to grow in numbers, false teachers were coming in with a great number of teachers to hear what their itch- ing ears wanted to here. They turned away from the truth and turned aside to myths (2Tim 4:1-8). 2 Pet 2:1-3 says, "MANY will follow their shame- ful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute (error). In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up"(Matt 24: 5-13, 2 Cor 11:1-14). News paper reports show congre- gations being crushed as they watch their "anointed pastors" step down from the pulpit. They had to step down for the mis- use of church funds, illegal use of drugs, sexual immorality, having sex with office staff, adultery... The list goes on. So far, there has been no real sign of remorse or biblical repentance that I am aware of (James 5:13-16). I'm talking about kneeling down at the alter on Sunday morning with the rest of their congregation. Unfortunately, mega church leadership con- tinues to try to convince their followers that their teaching is approved by God because of the increase of numbers. They will make statements like this during their Sunday morning sermon, "Look at all the people that God has sent to our church. Lets give God the glory, Hallelujah!" Did God real- ly increase the numbers? In the book of Numbers, chapter 16, God gives a crystal clear example of how numbers have noth- ing to do with His approv- al on a ministry. Korah and all of his elders were devastated in the end. How many mega churches today have ignored the warn- ings from God's true messangers? I thought I would listen to a sermon the other day on my cell phone. This pastor was preaching right out of the Holy Bible. It was a good common sense teaching. However, I could not help but notice how he blended into his sermon the overages that they had when they built their new sanctuary, running much more than they thought. I did not have time to listen to the rest of that sermon, but, I would bet that the offering baskets were being pre- pared to be passed around. I remem- ber the last time this pastor built a new church building many years ago. The very same thing happened. He mentioned on another sermon how God was sending more people to the church. I thought, could it be because another pastor from a larger church down the road stepped down from behind the pulpit and now some of his congregation is flocking over. Who knows. As the compitition between churches continues to grow, so does the jealousy. The fruit of the spirit of jealousy is compitition. I'm sure that there are smaller church pastors compromising their Sunday sermons in fear of losing people to the more popu- lar ear tickling mega church's. Sad but true, these mega churches have not only convinced profess- ing Christian's that big numbers is God''s stamp of approval on their ministry, but that it takes highly educated, modern day super apostles and seminary trained experts to explain what a few ancient, ordi- nary, humble unschooled fisherman had to say 2000 years ago (Acts 4:13). In closing, "For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 28:30-31). Its obvious that Paul was not keeping track of the numbers. Noah only had eight in his church. Lot had three. Until next time, Jesus is coming soon. Are you going to be ready? Any questions-call Michael 303-726-5585. Michael Forti END TIMES News paper reports show congregations being crushed as they watch their "anointed pastors" step down from the pulpit. They had to step down for the misuse of church funds, illegal use of drugs, sexual immorality... The List goes on. By Michael Forti God says, "Now that you belong to me, you have stayed on this mountain long enough. You’ve been hurting long enough. You’ve been in this dry place long enough. It's time to reach for a new thing." Paul said, “Forgetting those things which are behind, I’m reaching for a new thing.” The devil has been winning in your life long enough. God says, "I have placed the blessings before you. But it's up to you to take possession of them. It’s up to you to take authority over your own life. But you have to get off this mountain today." I know you have made some mis- takes in the past. I know you have lots of regrets. I know that the memories are killing you, but you have to move on? God sent me here to tell you that you have stayed on this mountain long enough, and it’s time to go on with your bad self. I know that the enemy has thrown everything at you imaginable. But I came here to tell you that if you’ll get off this mountain and quit going in circles, God will bring you out of your trouble. He will bless you abundantly. I declare that this is your year to possess the land. This is your year to watch God turn your life around. This is your year to take authority over everything that’s come against you. This is your year to see your family turn around… Your finances… Health… Your business… Your rela- tionships… You see, you are the head and not the tail. It's time to get off this moun- tain and move on with God’s plan for your life. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Don’t let fear stop you from moving forward. David said, “I will fear no evil for my God is with me. God isn't going to help you because you deserve it. He is going to help you because you let go of the past and you decided to move on. God made a prom- ise to your parents, and He is going to bless you because of them. God’s Word tells us to call things that be not as though they were. That's what we are doing today. We are prophesying over our futures. We’re saying, “I’m getting off this mountain today. I’m reaching for a new begin- ning. I’ve stayed in this place long enough.” Yes, you have been tried and tested in the furnace of affliction. But it's been about one thing. The testing has been preparing you to go into your promised land. The testing is to get you ready for a new beginning. The testing has been preparing you for your purpose. It’s time that you quit playing it safe. Get back into church. Let go of those relationships that are holding you back. It's time to launch out into God’s plan. It's time to quit going in circles and watch God do a new thing. Don't let life pass you by. God brought you here to make changes in your life. He brought you here to get your past behind you. I don’t know about you, but I’ve made up my mind that I’m are not going to die until I have fulfilled God’s plan for my life. Start saying, "I’ve marched around this mountain long enough. I’ve gone in circles long enough. I’ve been sick long enough. I’ve been broke long enough. I’ve been down long enough. It's time for me to get a life. It's time to close certain chapters and let God write some new ones.” "Hey devil. I've gone in circles long enough. I am getting off this moun- tain. I will get out of this rut. I may have to go to counseling, but I’m mak- ing some changes. I will get up and get involved in my church. It’s time to move forward. I’ve stayed in this place long enough." God says, "I brought you out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and today is your day to get off this mountain. I know you’ve failed in the past. I know that some things haven't worked out. But it's over. It’s time for change. You’ve stayed here long enough." Maybe you’ve gone through hell and high water. You’re going to see God’s hand move in the next few months like never before. It won't be long and you will look back over your life and say, “Look what the Lord has done. I’ve stayed on this mountain long enough” It's time to stand on top of your past and say, "I'm ready for God to move forward. It's over. I'm ready to get off this mountain." It's time to say, "Arrividerci, Hasta La vista Baby! Adios Muchachos! Chow Baby! Sianara! Dust to dust and ashes to ashes. Good-bye! See Ya! I wouldn't want to be ya!" LONG ENOUGH ... continued from page 12