Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 2415 AUGUST 2016 BODY OF CHRIST NEWS Prayer in America "Rappers, pastors. Spoken-word poets and authors on Saturday appealed to thousands of evangeli- cals gathered around the Washington Monument in baking heat to recom- mit to prayer and hope at a time of intense racial and political polariza- tion and growing secularism." — Julie Zauzmer & Kirkland An The Washington Post On Thursday, May 5, 2016 people in the United States, by vari- ous ways and means, recognized the National Day of Prayer. In a proc- lamation for the occasion President Barack Obama said: "In times of steady calm and extraordinary change alike, Americans of all walks of life have long turned to prayer to seek refuge, demonstrate grati- tude, and discover peace. Sustaining us through great uncertainty and moments of sorrow, prayer allows us an outlet for introspection, and for expressing our hopes, desires, and fears. It offers strength in the face of hardship, and redemption when we falter. According to Statistics on Prayers in the U.S., Barna research says slightly more than four out of five adults in the nation (84%) claim they had prayed in the past week. U.S. News and the Internet site Beliefnet funded a poll to learn more about why, how, when and where people pray. Here is a summary of the find- ings: ■ ■ 75% were Christians. ■ ■ 64% say they pray more than once a day. ■ ■ 56% say they most often pray for family members, with 3.3% say- ing that they pray for strangers. ■ ■ A little over 38% say that the most important purpose of prayers is intimacy with God. ■ ■ 41 % say that their prayers are answered often. ■ ■ 1.5% say that their prayers are never answered. ■ ■ Over 73% say when their prayers are not answered, the most impor- tant reason is because they did not fit God's plan. ■ ■ 5% say that they pray most often in a house of worship. ■ ■ 79% say that they pray most often at home. ■ ■ 67% say that in the past six months, their prayers have relat- ed to continually giving thanks to God. A Newsweek poll titled "Is God Listening?" indicated that, of those who pray, 87% believed that God answers their prayers at least some of the time. Even so, unanswered prayers did not deter them from praying. Eighty-five percent insisted that they could accept God's failure to grant their prayers. Only 13% declared they have lost faith because their prayers went unanswered. Eighty-two percent don't turn away from God even when their prayers go unanswered. 54% say that when God doesn't answer their prayers, it means its wasn't God's will to answer. The things people pray for include health, safety, jobs, and even suc- cess, valid or not. Noteworthy, the Bible contains 375 references to prayer. 20% of Americans 45 or older who are some- what religious cite prayer as their most satisfying spiritual or religious experience. A Pew Research Center survey conducted in 2014 found that 45% of Americans -and a majority of Christians (55%) -say they rely a lot on prayer and personal religious reflections when making major life decisions. The same survey found that 63% of Christians in the U.S. say praying regularly is an essential part of their Christian identity. Interestingly, the Bible does not prescribe the time or length of prayer, but it does offer guidelines, accord- ing to Donald Bloesch, a scholar and author (written in a narrative on page 919, Men's Devotional Bible). In Psalm 88 prayer is offered in the early morning (v.13), and in Psalm 55 prayers are said evening, morning and noon (v.17). The author of Psalm 119 advocates prayer seven times a day (v. 164 ). Daniel knelt for devo- tions three times a day (Daniel 6: 10). Jesus prayed before sunrise (Mark 1 :35) and in the evening when the day's work was over (Mark 6:46). Below are the seven most impor- tant benefits of prayer according to a study published by the Spiritual Science Research Foundation. 1. Improves spiritual life. 2. Enhances the potency of chant- ing the name of God. 3. Divine help in spiritual practice. 4. Receiving forgiveness for mis- takes. 5. Reducing the ego. 6. Protection from demons, devils, negative energies, etc. 7. Increase in faith. Remember that "Jesus frequently prayed for God's will to be done in his life, and we should pray for the same. We pray for God's mercy and forgive- ness when we fail to do his will and serve him acceptably. We are to pray without ceasing." - 1 Thessalonians 5: 17. Recall periodically these things that Jesus said about prayer: "In everything by prayer and supplica- tion, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known unto God; And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus;" (Philippians 4: 6,7) "Men ought always to pray;" (Luke 18: 1) and "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto to you." (Matthew 7: 17) Make no mistake, as stated in the blog entitled 'How God Answers' Prayer (http://dawn.orlandobible. org/prayer Booklet.aspx), "Prayer is the method by which we can praise and bless God, and ask for his help in our lives. We pray to God because we see the need for wisdom, his strength, and his guidance in our lives. We also pray for God's Holy Spirit to guide and direct our lives." SOURCES:­ articles/150915-u-s-statistics-on-prayer. html everyday­life/ By Ben L. Walton, Col, US Army (Ret.) Ben L. Walton The Beauty of Self Love Loving oneself is a journey of mindful choices to be self compassionate. It is embracing a kind perception towards your skin tone, hair texture, body type and age. Choosing to accept all these as gifts from God frees you from media imposed images of what you should look like. Christian neuro- scientist, Dr. Caroline Leaf says, “You make a great you and a lousy copy of someone else.” I am the owner of Rhoda Design Group, an Image Consulting company pas- sionate about offering products and services that are rooted in wellness for Personal Brand Development. We offer color analysis, mineral based makeup and gemstone statement jewelry. These all emit positive energy to benefit the electromagnetic field of the wearer resulting in increased wellbeing. Honoring your body with whole foods, exercise, rest and positive thoughts also results in greater health and wellbeing. We are made in God’s image to give Him glory. Our bodies as believers are the “temple of God”. The choices we make in caring for ourselves and show- ing up in the most aesthetically pleasing way is a form of worship and a gift to those around us. Self love enables you to be authentic and love others. Rhoda Johnson (303)755-2345 CURRENT AFFAIRS According to Statistics on Prayers in the U.S., Barna research says slightly more than four out of five adults in the nation claim they had prayed in the past week.