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7MARCH 2016BODY OF CHRIST NEWS Lyle Lovett wrote the song Im A Soldier in the Army of the Lord. This song describes my journey from New Orleans LA to Fountain CO. It is about 1219 miles and thanks to the U.S. Army for its travel assignment we are here and here to stay It has truly been a journey with stops in Korea and Kosovo Germany Iraq Afghanistan and even the Blue Grass state of Kentucky. On each leg of the journey learn- ing sharing and growing in the knowledge of God. Each leg of the journey being preparation for my final assignment. When I raised my right hand and took the oath to join the Army all I had was my faith that God would cover me on this journey. After 24 years of service in the Army meeting the needs of others in the Logistics field Gods word and His work was always at the forefront of my life. I arrived on this leg of the journey in June 2012 after a brief conversation with Pastor Emeritus James H. McMearn. A spiritual giant in his work the Lord spoke to Rev. McMearn via Duet 27 The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilder- ness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you and you have not lacked anything. Now as the Hippopotamus Happy and Elephant Glad Pastor of New Jerusalem Pastor Kevin T. Daniels Sr. is continuing in the work started here and gain- ing ground for God. Each Sunday and wherever he is you can find him sharing the message of recon- ciliation love and peace helping mature every believer to a spiri- tual height so that the Kingdom might be magnified. The jour- ney continues toward The Next Level. The Next Level Pastor Kevin Daniels PASTOR PROFILE happened as she continued praying before the Lord that Eli watched her mouth. Eli knew how to pray but Hannah had the heart of prayer. She got her answer. 5. JOY Unless you are joyful you will not be fruitful. Every joyless person self- destroys himselfherself. Isaiah 123 Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of sal- vation. You need water to be fruitful and joy is what you need to draw it out. Water talks about the Holy Spirit and His power. No one can be joyful and not be praiseful. And when praise is raised because of joy then fruitfulness is a must for the joyful. Psalm 673-7 shows us that when you praise God the earth will yield her increase. Be joyful and you will be praiseful and once you are praiseful you will become God-ful and as you become God-ful you begin to be fruitful. 6. KINGDOM GIVING No fruit is harvested until seed is sown. Giving is living. Until you learn to give you cannot be fruitful. Mark 1017-21 is a story of a rich young ruler that came to Jesus. This man called Jesus good. In the cul- ture of the time when you call some- one good it means that you submit to his goodness and you do this by following what he says. It is dem- onstrated through obedience to what the person you called good says. In other words if you call me good you will do what I say. Jesus said Why do you call me good Because for the man to call Jesus good implies that he submits himself to Jesus goodness and what- ever Jesus says he is prepared to do it. Because He is good what He says is right. Jesus loved him so Jesus told him what he lacked. When someone loves you heshe tells you what you lack. Jesus said One thing you lack. Go your way sell whatever you have and GIVE. Do you know the meaning of give in the Greek It means GIVE. Do you want to know how to be fruitful The reason Im teaching you is because I love you. Let me say that your tithe is not your giving. Tithe belongs to Godso you pay your tithe but you give generously as you purpose in your heart. It is your giving that makes your COVENANT ... continued from page 6 CORRECTION Last month this article ran with the incorrect name under the picture. The correct name of the person pictured right is Pastor Kevin Daniels Continued on Page 21